Jason’s funeral costs

by Skydive for cancer research in Crowborough, England, United Kingdom

Jason’s funeral costs
We did it
On 5th May 2022 we successfully raised £3,267 with 103 supporters in 13 days

Let’s give Jason a send of he deserves and not fail him like the system did.

by Skydive for cancer research in Crowborough, England, United Kingdom

Jason was failed by the system, no parents should have to ever have to go through the pain of burying there child. As you all know Jason took his own life due to mental health at the age of 15. I am aiming to raise money for the family. So I am kindly asking for your help, to help with funeral cost to give Jason a send of he deserves❤️.
i have had to up the total raised because of the % they take off thank you all for ur support 

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