Its Not Magic...Book Launch + Website Development

by James Stockford in Coventry, England, United Kingdom

Total raised £4,866

raised so far



To help children, young people and their families develop positive mental health through books, animations, downloads and community groups.

by James Stockford in Coventry, England, United Kingdom

We're still collecting donations

On the 31st May 2021 we'd raised £4,846 with 28 supporters in 90 days. But as every pound matters, we're continuing to collect donations from supporters.

Our Vision

The Vision at 'its not magic but it could be' is to provide accessible, practical support to children, parents, carers and professionals. What do we mean by support? Well to start with:

  • Illustrated books to be read by children but also by adults to children. Books that both explain areas of poor mental health that we can all suffer from and ways to build positive mental health habits 
  • Animated videos that help everyone remember ways to understand more about themselves and ways to practise self-care when it comes to mental health
  • Community gatherings online and face to face where we can openly discuss ways to radically improve how we can reduce anxiety and low mood and increase self-esteem and resilience.

In order to get all of these great projects off the ground we are looking to raise enough funds to get our first book published and secondly put some really great content on our website, Take a look at the video below which explains how we have set up a Community Interest Company, which means that any money raised by future sales go straight back into producing family friendly resources for everyone to enjoy.

1614601410_discussion_time.jpgReward One - a signed copy of our first book 'tips, tricks and sciency bits to manage anxiety'. Delivered straight to your door as soon as they roll of the production line.

1614599355_discussion_time_(1).jpgReward Two  - a signed copy of the book plus a 'box of bits' which include a wooden page mark, magnet and key ring which can be decorated as you wish; maybe with the tapping points, heart breathing, mindfulness or some positive affirmations?

1614599395_1614599394026.pngReward Three - a signed copy of the book and a branded water bottle. Drinking plenty of water is so important, so we thought a colourful bottle might be just the trick to encourage some extra sips, especially powerful when combined with the tapping. If you don't know what tapping is yet then head over to our Facebook page and group to find out.

1614601813_discussion_time_(4).jpgReward Four - a signed copy of the book and your picture turned into a character and put on our website as the magical intake of 2021. Only 30 available.

1614603517_discussion_time_(3).jpgReward Five - a signed copy of the book plus 4 sessions with the family coach (sessions typically 60 mins in length). Discuss exactly what you want to achieve and enjoy a tailormade mental health boosting programme to suit a young person, parent/ carer or the whole family. Only 4 available and carried out online.

A bit more about our Vision


This project offered rewards

£15 or more

A first edition book signed, sealed + delivered

Hot of the press and on its way to making a positive impact in your life.

£22 or more

Signed Book and Box of Bits

Now you're really rocking. Use the 'box of bits' to be super creative whilst also using them the remind you of all the great ideas from the book. Super powerful!

£30 or more

Book , box and bottle

Now you have the whole packaged. Read the book whilst sipping from your limited water bottle and then crack on with your box of bits. Amazing.

£150 or more

4 One to one Sessions with the Family Coach

While you are waiting for your book to arrive, enjoy some sessions with the Family Coach from the Enjoy a tailormade programme to get the mental health boost you need. Suitable for a young person, adult or the whole family. Sessions typically 60 minutes in length and carried out online.

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