With an investment from you, The Hunger Project India will be able to support 600 girls in rural Rajasthan, India. These 600 girls will be followed for a period of two and a half years for the total cost of about 100 EUR per girl. By preventing them entering a marriage at an early age they will have the opportunity to finish their education. Not only is their position strengthened by education for future years this also improves the situation of their children in rural communities, as educating girls is known to have a positive impact on families, communities and countries at large.
The girls will be supported in strengthening their voice through Girls Leadership Workshops. Additionally, the importance of girls staying in school will be addressed directly with the schools through interface meetings with school management
Committees and through Drama Pedagogy workshops. In these workshops girls will learn about gender based violence. The Adolescent Girls program will focus on girls from 13 to 19 years of age and will include girls in school, girls that have dropped out of school and girls from marginalised castes and class backgrounds.
Why India?
India is the worlds largest democracy with nearly 1.3 billion citizens. The country has made significant and impressive progress on human development over the past 60 years. Indias economy is one of the fastest growing and third largest in the world; in the past 60 years life expectancy has doubled, and adult literacy more than quadrupled. However, the benefits of its growing economy are not shared equally: India is still home to one-third of the entire worlds extremely poor. Most of whom live in remote, rural areas.
The educational attainment is low; one-third of the worlds illiterate people live in India. Gender inequality also remains a pervasive problem, and takes many ugly shapes and forms, such as rape, repression, and child marriage.
One of the strongest illustrations may be that because of a strong preference for sons and the need to raise a dowry for each daughter, roughly 63 million Indian women are missing either they were never born through sex-selective abortion, or they died shortly after birth from neglect. India must overcome enormous structural challenges to lead its entire population out of poverty. This proposal aims to contribute to that, unlocking and building on Indias strength and systems by supporting adolescent girls.
Importance of an adolescent girls program in Rajasthan
Apart from the economic challenges, the state struggles with a high level of gender disparity and inequality which is aggravated in the rural areas due to low literacy rate among females (43% according the 2011 Census), early marriage and teen-age pregnancy. According the latest National Family Health Service data (2016), Rajasthan has the dubious distinction of being one of the top three states with the highest number of child marriages in India.
Education level too is dismal. For instance in the proposed sites of intervention in Rajasthan: Railmagra and Chaksu, low literacy rates for women is apparent (38.09% and 40.69 %.) Chaksu Block which lies in Jaipur district - capital city of Rajasthan - still sees a dismal literacy level of women in the area. This disparity and gap in literacy levels between men and women does make it pertinent for The Hunger Project to focus on themes of promoting education, life skills and leadership of adolescent girls in the area with the support of elected leaders, especially women of their village councils.
Child marriage and girls lack of access to quality education are both rooted in gender inequality and the belief that girls and women are worth less than boys and men. Keeping girls in school is one of the best ways of delaying marriage. When a girl marries young, the chance that she will also become pregnant young is high and this entails health problems for both the young mother and her baby. Additionally, girls who marry later, attain higher levels of education, fare better economically and raise healthier families.
With more families being pushed into poverty because of food shortages and lost incomes, cases of child labour and child marriage have gone up, resulting in school drop-outs. In other cases, school closures and poor access to online technology are other reasons for children dropping out of the education system altogether.
The outreach for the Adolescent Girls Program
The outreach of the proposed Adolescent Girl program will be 2 districts: Jaipur and Rajsamand, 2 Blocks (Railmagra in Rajsamand and Chaksu in Jaipur in 20 Gram Panchayats (village councils) with approximately 600 adolescent girls in the age category 13 years until 18/ 19 years of age. The program will include girls in school, girls that have dropped out of school and girls from marginalised castes and class backgrounds.
How does The Hunger Project support adolescent girls?
The Adolescent Girls program aims to empower adolescent girls in Gram Panchayats by undertaking interventions that have the objective to strengthen their voice and agency and to demand accountability of the different stakeholders to advance girl's rights. The Hunger Project India wants to support adolescent girls in Rajasthan by implementing two key interventions:
- Girls leadership workshops
- Interface meetings with school management committees and drama pedagogy workshops
Girls leadership workshops
By organising girls leadership workshops, girls can develop leadership qualities and the program will support to motivate them to solve the challenges and issues that adolescent girls are facing in their respective villages.
Secondly, it will build an understanding on challenges faced by the adolescents and develop an intervention plans accordingly. The girls leadership workshops will be undertaken with girls in 14-17/18 years. The program will include life skill education of girls including communication, stress management, negotiation and self- confidence.
Additionally, the adolescent girls will be supported in advocacy interventions with local stakeholders like district and state authorities on issues of education, health and safe panchayats. This will include spreading awareness on harmful practice of child marriages that is still prevalent in the state.
To find out more, visit our website - The Hunger Project
Photo by - ©The Hunger Project-India