Party for the homeless on Royal Wedding Day

by David in Windsor

Party for the homeless on Royal Wedding Day
Not quite
Unfortunately this project was not successful.

To provide a party for homeless people from across the UK in Windsor on Saturday 19th May (FA Cup Final and Royal wedding).

by David in Windsor

As Windsor prepares itself for the Royal Wedding in May, some think that the town's homeless population should be made to leave. Homeless people are part of our community and they shouldn't be excluded from this national occasion. Everyone who wants to celebrate should be able to.

Our aim is to raise awareness by organising a party in Windsor on the day of the Royal Wedding and FA Cup Final for homeless people. Working with homeless charities we will invite vulnerable people from across the UK offering transport to and from the event, clean clothes, food and refreshments whilst we watch the FA Cup Final and the Royal Wedding on the big screen. Any additional money raised will be given to homeless charities in order for them to continue their hard work in reducing homelessness and raising awareness of this issue across the UK .

Homelessness in the UK has risen by as much as 134%* since 2010 with the number of rough sleepers at well over 4500. If you want to be part of changing this then please donate. 

* Homeless Link Charity (


This project offers rewards in return for your donation. Please select a reward below.

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With homeless people coming from across the UK we will need your help to put this show on the road. This will be on a sign up basis and is voluntary may not be honoured to all those who pledged this amount.

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