Imperfect Orchestra - Decade

by The Imperfect Orchestra in Plymouth, United Kingdom

We did it
On 15th February 2024 we successfully raised £1,718 with 76 supporters in 69 days

The Imperfect Orchestra is celebrating ten years with a very special performance! Support us to continue into the future!

by The Imperfect Orchestra in Plymouth, United Kingdom

Those of you who have been to The Imperfect Orchestra (TIO)’s performances will know that they are special - unique events, ambitious in scope, and with a different line-up of musicians (and non-musicians!) every time. 

Since we’re celebrating our ten-year anniversary this year, it’s been time to take stock and to look into the future of TIO and what it hopes to achieve over the next decade. Our previous projects have been immense fun to produce, but have also taken a lot work to conceive, organise, project manage, teach, rehearse, source equipment, and perform. We want to be able to keep doing that work, to keep bringing musicians and amateurs together, to keep providing interesting and ambitious performances, and to be able to sustain that for the future.

So, while TIO has never been about making money (although we’re very grateful for the bits of funding we’ve received for certain projects over the years), it does cost money to keep it going. This is an opportunity to support us to continue our work, by getting yourself some Decade merch and mementoes or simply buying a ticket to this special performance, so that TIO can do what it does best - put on a great show involving local people and providing a platform for musicians to participate in something different, exciting and perhaps ordinarily inaccessible, as well as nurturing those who fancy a go at being a musician but haven't had the opportunity before.

We will use the money for, primarily, covering our studio costs for the next year. This includes the space we use to store our huge range of instruments, which are essential to have available so that people can participate in what we do. We have also been turning the studio into a recording space, and this money will help us complete this work so that we can begin making recordings of our projects so far. One of the wonderful things about TIO is its willingness to create original, experimental, ambitious scores and to pop up and perform these, often only once, but given the amount of work that goes into writing and performing each of these, it seems a shame to let them be lost after each performance. We’ve recently recorded the score for our first ever project - Home (2013) - as a taster of this process and we’re so pleased with the results that we’re offering this recording as one of the great pledge rewards for this crowdfunder. There are also T-shirts and hand-printed lino posters, created by local supporters of TIO.

Whatever you can give will ensure we can continue TIO for many years to come. Thank you!


This project offers rewards in return for your donation. Please select a reward below.

£12 or more

99 of 180 claimed

£12 Event Ticket

Entry for one person to the Decade Event on 17th February 2024

£5 or more

£5 Donation

Help The Imperfect Orchestra with a simple donation

£12 or more

1 of 500 claimed

£12 CD

Limited Edition CD of "Home" (with digital download), the first studio recording by The Imperfect Orchestra of their inaugural score. Available in the spring and posted to you!

£20 or more

£20 T Shirt

Specially produced T Shirt celebrating the Decade Event, screen-printed on front and back on high quality 100% cotton Gildan Heavy T Shirts. Contact us if you need help with sizing

£25 or more

£25 Bundle

Decade T Shirt & CD (with digital download)

£30 or more

2 of 50 claimed

£30 Lino Print

Limited, hand numbered, hand printed Decade lino cut, designed and printed by Plymouth artist Katy Richardson on A3 high quality paper

£50 or more

3 of 10 claimed

£50 Print, T Shirt, CD and ticket Bundle

Buy a lino print, a CD & a T Shirt and we'll throw in a free event ticket!

£500 or more

0 of 1 claimed

£500 Score Your Event

Commission The Imperfect Orchestra to score your special event. Dinner Date? Conference presentation? Wedding Proposal? We can score it! A very special arrangement between you and TIO - we will consult with you to ascertain the mood you are looking for, and up to 5 musicians will compose and perform an original score for your event. Limitations apply - please contact us before making this pledge

£1,250 or more

0 of 1 claimed

£1250 Score Your Film

Commission The Imperfect Orchestra to score your film. For films of up to 30 mins, TIO will produce an original score, written to your images, as a high quality recording that you can attach to your film. Please contact us before making this pledge. We will also consider other artforms - please ask!

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