Alan, Bill, Eric and Archie are 4 of the amazing volunteer team at Salford Lads Club, Alan, with the curly hair, (picture from 1988 camp) is the youngest of this quartet and says "I've only done 40 years volunteering!" All our senior volunteers have been keen sportsmen in their time - boxers, footballers, rugby players - but they have now reached the conclusion that we need to fund the role of a qualified and enthusiastic sports leader to deliver 2 evenings of sports in the main gym each week. We would like your help to fund this role, initially for 1 year.
Our project is supported by a Crowdmatch initiative with comic relief who will double the value of your donation during our month campaign.
As part of our campaign we have created 2 rewards, a limited edition t-shirt (150) for donations of £60 + and a limited edition tote bag (50) for donations of £30.

Salford Lads Club was set up in 1903 with the aim to get kids off the streets and to offer positive alternatives to street gangs, through sports and music. It is the oldest surviving lads club in England. It has "brightened young lives & made good citizens" for over 22,500 boys in one of the poorest areas of inner city Salford. Most of our senior volunteers started here as lads themselves and between them they have contributed over 600 years of volunteering (in 2016 they received the Queen's Award for Volunteering). Our oldest volunteers, Eric and Archie, now in their mid 80s, started at the club aged 12 and have never left!
The main sports space in the club is the gym, originally used for gymnastics it is now mainly soccer and basketball.

Getting kids out of the city, to experience the outdoor life by camping in the countryside, was another key aim; a tradition that predates the scout movement and continues at the club today.

We organise trips to local and regional activity centres which are always popular. These activities encourage a sense of risk and adventure, which has always been central to the club's purpose.

The club is not just for boys. We have had a girls club since 1994, where arts and drama feature strongly. We also have a junior group, Kidzwidreamz for 8-14 year olds, where food and sport go hand in hand.

Each year we host sports events, conferences and citizenship courses for schools and youth groups from across Greater Manchester and all over the UK. Many of our volunteers help out at these events and visiting young people enjoy and are inspired by listening to stories about their involvement with the club.