My name is Gideon Amos O.B.E., Liberal Democrat Parliamentary Candidate for Taunton and Wellington, and I want to take the seat from the Conservatives, who have represented this constituency since 2015.
We are campaigning for a properly funded health service and much tougher regulation on water quality in opposition, but there is so much more that I want to do for our community. See our local website or our national party website
I have a great team of volunteers who are busy delivering, canvassing, stuffing envelopes, and planning events, but we need to raise campaign funds to beat the Conservatives. The Party is known to be very well funded by donations from very wealthy individuals and the oil industry, amounting to £25 million per year.
The funds raised will allow us to share the Liberal Democrat message with more people, through video podcasts and social media posts. It will also allow us to make paid deliveries, in addition to all the voluntary deliveries that we make.
We already have a number of ways to raise campaign funds, such as membership, small donations and social events, however we need more, much more, to win this General Election.
I want to raise £15,000 with this Crowd Funder project.
Please give what you can and, with your help, we will win this General Election.