Hospital fund for Robert

by Janya Sommai in Thailand

Hospital fund for Robert

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£3,000 target 10 days left
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Raise funds for Roberts hospital fee's and treatment because i have spent all my money on this already.

by Janya Sommai in Thailand

I am the Wife of Robert Britton, he came to Thailand to visit his family but on June 27th last year he had a Stroke and was admitted to Buriram hospital for treatment. He now cannot walk or talk properly. Treatment for people in Thailand is expensive and has cost around £7500 already and now my money has gone. Robert had insurance but they would not pay because they said he had high blood pressure which they classed as an existing condition and caused the stroke. Robert cannot travel back to the UK until he gets better and the Doctor allows him to travel. Robert has take 20 tablets each day which cost about £45 a month. I now need help with Robert's ongoing medial fee's and hope he can get better in the future. Please can you help me.

Thank you, Janya 1737355913_hospital2.jpg1737355698_hospital3.jpg

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