Our aim is to successfully raise 10k within 28 days to help produce our darkly funny and twisted film. We will be posting regular updates on the progress of our Pre-production, and keep our linked social media sites updated as we go into Production and finally Post Production. Posting both sound and image to make our journey as entertaining as possible for all that dare follow!
'Holes in their Souls' is short film project that fuses both drama and documentary, based on a true story that has become one of Merseyside Police's most bizarre cases to hit the headlines. To many it was just believed to be rumor or gossip, an urban legend or myth at best, but to others including yours truly it was all too shockingly real.
Here’s what happened….
In the mid 90's two men conned thousands of people into giving them their socks in the name of charity. They would also take photos of the socks' owners and carefully keep track of their names and pictures. It later emerged that the men were foot fetishists and were hoarding the socks for their own sexual gratification"
Their bizarre foot fetish was uncovered as police investigated a sordid catalogue of sex acts involving the pair. Officers who searched their homes found an 18-inch deep "carpet" of socks and numerous pictures of their owners. Sgt John Belger told a court: "They were everywhere and anywhere - on furniture, hanging from lampshades and even covering the microwave. The majority were in good condition. "It was like there had been an explosion in a sock factory and they had been blown all over the place. I've never seen anything like it". The court heard they made weekend trips to pubs and clubs where they persuaded drinkers to part with footwear "for charity". Two cops and a traffic warden were among donors. But it was a sham to hide the couple's fascination with feet. The pair were arrested after film processors developed a string of obscene photos. Police later found thousands more pictures. During their probe detectives advertised for duped sock owners to get in touch so they could be re-united. But not a single pair was claimed. They were later donated to the Salvation Army. While in prison the pair served out their time working in the laundry room - Cleaning other prisoners' socks.
We are also offering you the chance to make your Socks real Action Heroes! The production design in our film requires lots and lots of socks. So by donating your socks we can not only use them in our film but then once the film is complete we will ship them off to our affiliated charity, The Joy Of Sox, who recycle them for the homeless and help prevent the crippling effects of frostbite! So join us in being a Film Philanthropist and make your sock a real life action hero.