Our candidate is Joanna Collins.

Photo credit: J Waller
Joanna is standing as your Green Party Parliamentary Candidate because she believes that only voting Green will bring about the changes we need. Every Green vote will tell the major parties that business as usual won’t solve our huge problems - of climate change and biodiversity loss, grotesque social inequality, an economy that only benefits the most fortunate. That's why we're asking you to help us run an informative campaign in the run up to polling day.
Joanna has lived in Hope Valley for over 25 years and has been a Green Party High Peak Borough Councillor since 2019. She is vice-chair of the Climate Change Working Group, working across the Council for more focus on the environment and social issues.
As a long-term resident and councillor, Joanna knows High Peak well. It’s a great place to live, but it also has its problems -the impact of mass tourism, lack of affordable housing, social inequalities, the decay of public services such as the NHS, social care, and public transport.
Promoted by Charlotte Farrell on behalf of Joanna Collins and High Peak Green Party 30 Brentwood Road Bamford, S33 0AG