The EU Citizenship Movement grew out of a grass roots democracy campaign which raised questions about whether the blanket removal of EU Citizenship and Rights from all 67 million UK EU Citizens without their agreement could possibly be lawful. The campaign started in June 2016 and has continued to grow in numbers, evolving into a Movement this year when the number of signatories to our website grew to be about the same as the number of members of the Conservative Party.
An analysis the 2016 Referendum EU leave vote shows that electoral crimes were committed , and the vote itself has been described as "not free and fair". The 2015 Referendum Act on which the Referendum was based also un-democratically and deliberately excluded around 5 million voting-age UK Citizens living abroad, and even so only led to an EU leave margin of about 1 million votes. From a democratic perspective, there has never been a majority of UK citizens in support of Brexit.
Following the massive damage to the UK economy caused by Brexit - for example the £109 Billion reduction of GDP , and the consequent major collapse of support for the Conservative party, Mr Sunak called a General Election last week. For "political" reasons neither of the two major Parties , Conservative or Labour, are yet prepared to admit that Brexit has failed and must obviously be reversed. We plan to build our membership of the EU Citizenship Movement so that we grow to have more members than both parties , and after the coming General Election, we plan to petition our new MPs to make them aware that the majority of UK Citizens never wanted to leave the EU , and that we therefore now plan to rejoin.
An expert consultancy has offered to help our Movement build our Membership , and for that we will need your help.