Help Secure GSSC

by Gledhow Sports and Social Club in Leeds, England, United Kingdom

Help Secure GSSC

Total raised £4,739

raised so far



The Gledhow Sports and Social Club needs your help to improve security of the grounds and clubhouse post COVID-19.

by Gledhow Sports and Social Club in Leeds, England, United Kingdom

The committee need your help now!

Prior to lockdown there had been an increase in anti-social behaviour on the field and car park ranging from drug dealing to gangs of youths drinking and being very noisy, the latter definitely increasing during lockdown.

We had planned to increase security, but unfortunately lockdown has cleared out our financial reserves and we now have a more pressing security issue with the arrival of trespassers.

As a committee we strive continually to maintain the grounds as a green space for use of the community, but it is now clear that we need to increase security measures sooner rather than later.

If you are from the local community and are able to help, please make a contribution to the fund to help us secure the field. This will help to maintain the viability of the club moving forward.   Anything you could contribute to assist with this would be very much appreciated at this difficult time.

Many thanks!

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