Help Save our Club!

by Cheshire Lines Cricket Club in Liverpool, England, United Kingdom

Help Save our Club!

Total raised £1,120

raised so far



Our aim is to help protect our club and its legacy during the COVID-19 Lockdown.

by Cheshire Lines Cricket Club in Liverpool, England, United Kingdom

Our Club formed in 1874, aims to provide a welcoming and safe environment for amateur sport enthusiasts and members of the local community. 

Our vibrant club is managed and maintained by the members, for the members and we take great pride in what we have created. 

As members, we have joined together and weathered many storms; in the early 1990's our club house was subjected to a random arson attack and was set alight; the majority of the club house was burnt to the ground leaving very few salvageable remnants.  

Our members joined forces and worked tirelessly to help clear debris and re-build the club in an attempt to pick ourselves up and carry on.

We have remained stubborn in the face of many challenges, from changes in legislation, to increasing utility bills, brewery charges and the like, though the lock down enforced by the COVID-19 outbreak may just be the straw that breaks the Camel's back. 

Without generating income from sporting visitors, party gatherings, social events and such like, our club is struggling to meet the very basic of over head costs.  

Members have joined forces once again, in an attempt to raise funds amongst ourselves in order to cover bills, the costs associated with dead stock, maintenance of the buildings and minor staffing over heads, though we are mindful that not all costs can be met by us on our own. 

We remain optimistic that we can once again, weather the storm, and return to fulfilling all amateur sporting fixtures and enjoy a relaxing pint in the sun once the lock down subsides. 

Our primary concern now, is that our members are stretched to breaking point and we can't keep asking for more.  We are utterly grateful for everything our members have done for us to date. 

We have set up this funding page to reach out and seek a little bit of help to cover the costs of maintaining the club house, our cricket and football pitches, and our bowling green so that once the lock down passes, we can return the favour to all of our members, in giving back suitable playing facilities for them all to enjoy, as they so truly deserve. 

Asking for help of this kind, has never been our M.O but we feel as though we have no choice. 

Please feel free to get in touch and we would like to thank you in advance for any help you may pledge :) 


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