Help refugees from Nagorno-Karabakh

by Russian Democratic Society in Armenia

Help refugees from Nagorno-Karabakh

Total raised £1,050

raised so far



We are helping Ethos Foundation raise funds for the refugees from Nagorny-Karabakh

by Russian Democratic Society in Armenia

The first milestone — $16.200 for humanitarian kits — has been achieved in just 2 days!

Our next goal is $66.600 for the needs of 500 families already located or arriving in the border areas. 

The collected aid and money will be used to provide heating and housing for refugees: 

— firewood and blankets, that will be much needed in winter; 

— bed sheets, pillows, sleeping bags; 

— flashlights, batteries, powerbanks; 

– clothing and basic medicines 

We help refugees in Yerevan and in the border areas: some families were stuck there during the blockade, and now they have nowhere to return. 

The number of families, and a list of requests, were provided by the administration of the border region, who we have been in touch with since the conflict erupted. Predicting the expected flow of refugees is still not possible, but we will notify you as soon as this information arrives. 

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