Our vision is to significantly reduce the risk of flooding in Pitton. This will stop houses flooding; help to keep the road open for local villages; and reduce the impact on local businesses and schools. Read more below....what will we spend the money on?
We now need to raise some money to reduce flood risk. As a minimum, we need to get the three things done urgently. The initial target for this work is £7,000. (Anything donated beyond that will be retained and used for future flood prevention work). The three urgent things are:
- Firstly, cut out a large tree root that seriously blocks throughflow. The tree has Ash dieback and has been approved for felling. A new tree will be planted. This one action will reduce flood levels by 150mm (6").
- Secondly, excavate silt from the village pond area. The build up of silt blocks the inflowing culvert that causes flooding on the road at Townsend.
- Thirdly install a silt trap in the pond and culvert ditch to make it easier to monitor and remove future silt build-up. Just a rough sketch!
Pitton & Farley Parish Council is not loaded with cash, they have already funded the first critical elements: the detailed Watercourse Levels Survey; and the first major silt excavation of the engineered ditch.
We now need your help, please, so that we can complete the next stages as listed above.
Thank you all very much.
Expenditure - see below:
- Cut down Ash Tree and grind out tree root £5,000
- Dig out pond and install silt trap £2,000
- Install Silt Trap - materials already salvaged. Volunteers poised.
In only 4 years of living in Pitton we have experienced 2 floods. As a Sapper (an Army Royal Engineer), I was invited to examine to local flood mechanisms and see what can be done to reduce the risk of flooding. These 3 tasks are the immediate priority. Self-help is the best way forward!