New stretch target
We will spend any money raised over our initial target to campaign for even more Greens to be elected to Birmingham city council!
The local election campaign in Birmingham has begun. With your help, we can get our inspiring candidates elected and on to the council.
by James Robertson in Birmingham, West Midlands, United Kingdom
We will spend any money raised over our initial target to campaign for even more Greens to be elected to Birmingham city council!
Birmingham Green Party is one of the longest established local Green parties in the country. In 2018, after a lot of hard work, we elected our first councillor. Since then we haven’t looked back.
Having one Green in the council chamber has made a real difference. Cllr Julien Pritchard has been there, making the arguments on local services, tenants’ rights and the climate emergency for the past 4 years. It’s time to give him some company!
Imagine the difference we can make with more councillors.
As proud as we are of our achievement, we know that we can do much, much more. We don’t have wealthy corporate donors to finance our campaigns, unlike some other parties.
We’re truly grassroots, so to make change possible we have to work together. Even small donations help us to reach more voters, letting them know that there is an alternative.
Please give what you can and get behind our candidates.
P.S. Because we're a political party
Produced and promoted by Margaret Okole on behalf of Birmingham Green Party at 21 South Road, B18 5NA.
The Target - £1000
Your donation could help us to deliver the most professional campaign we’ve ever run. To hit our target, we only need:
100 people to donate £10
50 people to donate £20
20 people to donate £50
10 people to donate £100