Help support Caroline Lucas in Parliament

by Green Party of England and Wales in London, England, United Kingdom

We did it
On 20th July 2017 we successfully raised £62,310 with 2205 supporters in 35 days

To support Caroline Lucas MP in Parliament.

by Green Party of England and Wales in London, England, United Kingdom

 New stretch target

Wow! What an amazing response. 

Almost 2000 of you have chipped in - and we've smashed through the total. Thank you to all of you for your generosity. 

Just a quick glance at what the Government is doing shows just how important it is that we hold them to account. 

They're ploughing ahead with an extreme Brexit. 

They're selling arms to Saudi Arabia, and fuelling conflict in Yemen. 

And their failing to protect our environment - as we face climate catastrophe. 

The donations I've received so far will help my staff continue their work in shining a spotlight on the record of the Government, but with a little more help we can do so much more. 

With £10,000 we will ramp up the pressure even more on banning arms sales to repressive regimes. We'll be tabling amendments to the 'Repeal Bill' - and work with MPs from across the Commons to protect the environment in the Brexit process. 

So please do help us meet this stretch target. It really will make a big difference. 

A message from Caroline Lucas

I have a favour to ask you, because I need your help.

Sadly I’ve been left with no new Green colleagues in Parliament after the last election and the Green Party's overall vote went down – in part because of my Party's decision to stand aside in some marginal constituencies.

Not many people know it, but a lower vote share also means less funding for the Green Party. Despite winning far more votes than the DUP we still only have one MP, and significantly less money.

That’s where you come in.

This year I have some big plans:

I want to hold the Government to account over arms sales to Saudi Arabia.
I want to visit Yarlswood detention centre, and expose the injustice there.
I want to scrutinise every single major Government policy on the environment.
I want to force Britain to the table on talks to ban nuclear weapons – and I want to build an alliance to stop Trident replacement.

I want to be the sharpest thorn in the Government’s side, and ultimately I want to be part of a movement that replaces these tired Tories with a progressive alternative.

But I can’t do any of this without support from my amazing team.

They work behind the scenes to skewer Ministers with Parliamentary Questions. They scour Government files looking for wrongdoing. They keep an eye on the frackers, the tax dodgers and the arms companies.

Despite the Green Party receiving half a million votes, I’m still the only MP, so having a team of dedicated staff really matters.

And that’s why I need your support. To keep speaking truth to power I need a bit of help funding my team. If you can give just £5 that would be immensely helpful, and if you can share this post with some friends that would be even better.

You might not be a Green Party member. You might have voted and campaigned for someone else. But I hope that you might still be willing to donate a small amount to help me fighting for social justice – and defending our environment.

I’ll always work with fellow travellers to further our shared goals, and I’ll always do my best to be your voice in a Parliament all too often dominated by vested interests.

Please do give what you can, and thank you!

Why We Need Your Help

In the 2017 General Election more people than ever before voted tactically. Significant numbers of Green supporters made a one off decision not to vote with their hearts but instead to vote tactically.

That means Caroline’s financial support has dropped by 50% too – the equivalent of 3.5 members of staff – because the funding that opposition parties get is calculated according to how many votes they get nationally.

 Caroline relies on her staff to help her stand up for what matters.

And with Brexit negotiations, Gove as Environment Secretary and Trump turning his back on the Paris Climate agreement, we need Caroline doing what she does best.

The Impact

The Conservative Government – in cahoots with the DUP - has plans for legislation that will give free rein to fracking companies, weaken protections for asylum seekers and refugees, attack civil liberties, and give a massive boost to the UK arms trade and the trade we do with dictators.

Caroline will consistently expose what’s going on, call out Ministers and campaign for a future we can all be proud of. She punches way above her weight but with a much smaller staff team her impact will be hugely reduced.

Caroline’s budget has been reduced by £8k a month. If just half of everyone who voted Green in 2015 or 2017 gave £1 we’d easily raise enough to keep the staff team going for 5 more years.

Other ways you can help

If you are unable to contribute financially, you can still help by asking your friends to chip in or sharing this page on social media.


This project offers rewards in return for your donation. Please select a reward below.

£10 or more

£10 Reward

If 1,000 people gave £10 we would have raised 10% of our short-money shortfall.

£25 or more

£25 Reward

If 2,000 people gave £25 we would have raised 1/2 of our short-money shortfall.

£50 or more

£50 Reward

If 1,000 gave £50 we would have raised 1/2 of our short-money shortfall .

£100 or more

£100 Reward

If 1000 people gave £100 we would have raised all of our short money shortfall!

£500 or more

£500 Reward

If 200 people gave £500 we would have raised all of our short money shortfall!

£1,000 or more

£1,000 Reward

If 100 people gave £1,000 we would have raised all of our short money shortfall!

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