Your help is needed to give the people of Newport the chance to vote Green in the 2015 General Election.
It's just four months until the General Election. The #greensurge all over the UK means hundreds of new members are joining the Green party every week. In Wales the membership is up more than 225% in just 12 months, and we're polling higher than ever before. Greens will shortly be the party with the third highest membership in the UK.
But to take advantage of this, and ensure every voter gets to hear the Green Party message of the need for real change, to build society which works for more than the wealthiest 10%, and works instead for the common good, we need funds.
The current MP's in Newport don't need crowdfunding, but they will always be indebted to their parties big backers - like the fossil fuel industry and multinational corporations who take their profits out of our community.
Here in Newport we are working hard on Wales Green Party leader Pippa Bartolotti's campaign for the seat of Newport West.
Change is afoot, and the 'old energies' are fading. The mood is changing away from the outdated two party system and the outcome of the May 2015 election is likely to be the most unpredictable in history. People will be backing the smaller parties like never before, and that means great results for Greens all over the country. It's a huge opportunity!
To make sure people know that the Greens are here, and what we stand for, we need funds - for leaflets, calling cards, posterboards and letters to voters.
We've got lots of volunteers ready to deliver them, and lots of ideas for leaflets - from single issues such as climate change and inequality, to local issues such as how more austerity (Labour or Conservative) will hurt us in Newport. Austerity means library closures, reduced social housing and cuts to welfare projects like the much needed meals on wheels.
As the election gets closer we need eye catching window posters and poster boards for gardens, so that the Green support across the city can be easily seen.
We are appealing for £2000 to fund these matertials. Every pound you can give will allow us to reach more than a score of voters - voters who could turn Newport Green.
When you pledge, you will be taking the first important steps towards the democratization of political funding!
*** Please make extra sure you are on the electoral register***
***This is a requirement of donating to a political party, and you'll need to be on it to vote next year.***
***You can register here ***

The renowned Chartist mural - destroyed by Newport City Council in 2013