Help elect a Green MP in Reading Central - can you donate?
Reading and Wokingham Green Party are working on the exciting new project of getting selected as one of the national development MP areas. These will be whittled down to targets closer to the next general election.
The solid 14% we got in July in combination with getting a campaigning newsletter out to every ward in Reading Central will help get us selected as a development constituency. Getting selected will unlock more resources from the national party – money, people and support. This will in turn help us in both Reading Central and with our council campaigning where we are the main opposition on Reading Council.
We currently have doubling money pledged by generous members. So if you donate £50 it will be doubled to £100 until doubling funds run out.
To get a campaigning newsletter out to 2/3 of the constituency we need to raise £1000 of Crowdfunding money which will be doubled to £2000.
Can you donate?
The small print
Your donation will go to a local campaigning fund managed by Reading and Wokingham Green Party, not directly to the candidate. This is a general-purpose fund for election campaigning at all levels.
Donations over £500
If your donation is over £500 you need to be on the electoral register and we will need to know your name and address. Should you have any questions then please do not hesitate to get in touch with us as the project owner.
This page is promoted by Brent Smith on behalf of Reading and Wokingham Green Party both at 42 Albert Road, Reading, RG4 7PE.