Help us give people in Reigate constituency (including Redhill, Banstead and surrounding villages) a real choice in the General Election on 7 May 2015.
We are raising funds to help pay for the campaign to elect Jonathan Essex as the new Green Party MP for Reigate.
About Jonathan Essex
Jonathan is a chartered engineer and environmentalist.
He has worked for engineering consultants and contractors in the UK, Bangladesh and Vietnam on power, transport and maritime infrastructure projects. He currently works for an international development consulting company based in Redhill.
Jonathan is an active community campaigner and has worked on a wide range of local issues, from waste and recycling to defending the Green Belt, potholes, cycling and community facilities.
He has served as a Councillor on Reigate and Banstead Borough Council since 2010 and on Surrey County Council since 2013.
Why we need your help
Jonathan is a superb candidate but elections are expensive.
And unlike the other main parties, the Greens are not backed by corporate donors and multimillionaires. We rely on people like you.
We are looking to raise £2,000:
- £500 for the election deposit.
- £1,500 to pay for leaflets, posters and letters - to reach voters and tell them about how we can change politics for the better.
We know that the more people have the opportunity to hear about Green policies and values, the more they like what they hear.
On the website, the Greens are the most popular party both in this constituency and in the whole of Britain.
Results from Reigate constituency [Image from saved 20 January 2015]
Anything you can pledge today will make a real difference.
Other ways you can help
If you aren’t able to contribute financially, you can still help Jonathan’s campaign by telling your friends or sharing this page on social media, and by helping to deliver leaflets, or display a poster at election time. Please contact [email protected] to offer help.
Finally, of course, don’t forget that your vote counts on 7 May! Register here to vote in the 2015 General Election
Thank you
Jonathan Essex and Reigate & Banstead Green Party
Some important information
The Electoral Commission requires that anyone who donates £50 or more to a political party must be registered to vote. If you aren't currently registered, you can register at Electoral Commission also requires us to log the full names and address of these donors. Please rest assured, your details will not be used for any other purposes, but must be handed over to the Commission upon request.
The small print
Promoted by Derek Smith on behalf of Reigate & Banstead Green Party and Jonathan Essex, all at 39 Common Road, Redhill RH1 6HG.