Help Clwb's Freelancers Through COVID-19

by Clwb Ifor Bach in Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom

Help Clwb's Freelancers Through COVID-19

Total raised £5,729

raised so far



We aim to raise funds to support our regular freelancers and self-employed staff through the global COVID-19 crisis.

by Clwb Ifor Bach in Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom

We're still collecting donations

On the 7th May 2020 we'd raised £5,640 with 264 supporters in 42 days. But as every pound matters, we're continuing to collect donations from supporters.

 New stretch target

Any extra funds will be going straight to our regular freelancers and self-employed staff.

We’ve now been closed since March 14 due to the Coronavirus outbreak.

Since the government has announced their support for businesses, we’ve decided to use this campaign as an opportunity to support those freelance and self-employed that we work with regularly that are not in such a stable position at the moment. These include sound technicians, DJs, show reps and photographers, and with Clwb being closed, these people are missing out on income they depend on.

These people are an integral part of our business and community and the clocks at Clwb would cease to tick without them. 

So please, if you’re in a position to help please do so by donating or purchasing one of the rewards. 


Rydyn ni bellach ar gau ers Mawrth 14 oherwydd sefyllfa’r Coronafeirws.

Ers i’r Llywodraeth gyhoeddi eu cefnogaeth i fusnesau, rydyn ni wedi penderfynu defnyddio’r ymgyrch hon fel cyfle i gefnogi’r rheiny sy’n staff llawrydd a hunangyflogedig mae Clwb yn eu defnyddio yn aml. Mae'r rhain yn cynnwys technegwyr sain, DJs, reps a ffotograffwyr. Gyda Clwb ar gau, mae nhw'n colli incwm mae nhw'n dibynnu arno.

Mae’r bobl yma’n hanfodol i’n busnes a’n cymuned, a fydden ni ddim yn galle cynnal Clwb hebddyn nhw.

Felly os gwelwch yn dda, os ydych chi’n gallu helpu, gwnewch hynny trwy roi neu brynu un o'r gwobrau.

We ask project owners to honour their rewards wherever possible but please note that all pledges are donations and there is no guarantee that you will receive any rewards from the project owner. Please see Crowdfunder's Terms of Use for more information regarding rewards for pledges.

Or enter custom amount


This project offered rewards

£15 or more

Limted Edition T-Shirt

Pledge £15 and we'll send you a Limited Edition Clwb T-Shirt! Design to follow. Printing & delivery will commence when the campaign has finished. / Rhowch £15 ac fe anfonwn grys-t Clwb arbennig atoch chi! Dyluniad i ddilyn. Bydd argraffu a postio yn cychwyn pan fydd yr ymgyrch wedi gorffen.

£5 or more

Raffle Entry

Enter a raffle and be in the chance to win some of the awards available: T-Shirt, Sweater, Tea Towel, Enamel Pin, or the Custom Photoshop prints, or all of the above! / Fydd eich enw yn cael ei gynnwys mewn raffl a am y cyfle i ennill rhai o'r gwobrau sydd ar gael: Crys-T, Siwmper, Tywel Te, Pin Enamel, neu'r printiau Custom Photoshop wedi’i bersonoli, neu bob un o'r uchod!

£7 or more

Relaunch Party Ticket

We don't know when we'll be open again, but when we do, you better believe that we are going to throw a huge party with DJs across all three floors. Date and details to follow. / Nid ydym yn siwr pryd y byddwn yn ail-agor eto, ond pan neuth ein drysau agor unwaith eto, yn amlwg, newn ni daflu parti enfawr gyda DJs ar draws y tri llawr. Dyddiad a manylion i ddilyn.

£10 or more

Limited Edition Enamel Pin

Pledge £10 and we'll send you a limited edition enamel pin! Design to follow. Printing & delivery will commence when the campaign has finished. / Rhowch £10 ac fe anfonwn pin enamel arbennig atoch chi! Dyluniad i ddilyn. Bydd argraffu a postio yn cychwyn pan fydd yr ymgyrch wedi gorffen.

£12 or more

Limited Edition Tea Towel

Pledge £12 and we’ll send you a limited edition tea towel! Design to follow. Printing and postage will commence when the campaigj has finished. Rhowch £12 ac fe anfonwn dywel te arbennig atoch chi! Dyluniad i ddilyn. Bydd argraffu a postio yn cychwyn pan fydd yr ymgyrch wedi gorffen.

£15 or more

Print of You At Your Dream Gig

We'll (poorly) Photoshop you at Clwb watching any band or artist in history and we'll post it to you! Unlike real life, it doesn’t matter if the artist has / will / is playing at the venue, we can photoshop them on to a photo of the venue! What a time to be alive. / Newn ni Photoshopio chi yn Clwb yn gwylio unrhyw fand neu artist mewn hanes a postio fe draw atoch chi! (Mi fydd y gwaith Photoshop yn eitha gwael).

£15 or more

Print of You & Your Friends in our Photobooth

Miss your Clwb gang? We'll (poorly) Photoshop you and your friends in our legendary photobooth. FAQ: What if we all don't fit? No worries, this is Photoshop, we can *make* you fit. We'll print and post this to you. / Ydych chi'n hiraethu am eich gang yn Clwb? Newn ni Photoshopio chi a'ch ffrindiau yn ein photobooth chwedlonol (yn wael). Newn ni brintio a postio hwn i chi.

£18 or more

Personalised Playlist From Us

We'll curate a custom playlist for you. You tell us what you like and if the playlist is for a certain mood or event (or simply to discover new music you might like) and we'll put it together for you with cover art! Newn ni guradu playlist just i chi. Newn ni gysylltu gyda chi i wybod mwy amdanoch chi a'ch blas mewn cerddoriaeth a os yw'r playlist ar gyfer unrhywbeth penodol. Mae'n dod gyda gwaith celf!

£25 or more

Limited Edition Clwb Sweater

Pledge £25 and we'll send you a Limited Edition Clwb Sweater! Design to follow. Printing & delivery will commence when the campaign has finished. / Rhowch £10 ac fe anfonwn siwmper Clwb arbennig atoch chi! Dyluniad i ddilyn. Bydd argraffu a postio yn cychwyn pan fydd yr ymgyrch wedi gorffen.

£55 or more

Bundle 2

Pledge £55 and we'll send you the sweater, enamel pin, tea towel and a print of you at your dream gig! / Cyfrannwch £55 a newn ni anfon siwmper, pin, tywel te a print o chi yn eich gig delfrydol!

£100 or more

Get The Staff To Write You A Song

Pledge £100 and we'll force the office staff to write and record you a song! Disclaimer: Our staff are terrible musicians and the song they write for you will be terrible, but we're sure it will be worth it. / Am £100, newn ni fforsio ein staff swyddfa i sgwennu a recordio can i chi! Dyw ein staff swyddfa ni ddim yn gerddorion da o gwbl a mi fydd y gan newn nhw sgwennu i chi yn warthus, ond ni'n siwr fydd e' werth bob ceiniog.

£100 or more

Nuke for 12 Months!

If you pledge £100, you'll gain entry to EVERY NUKE EVENT for 12 months from the weekend we reopen! (Nuke happens every Friday night) Comes with raffle entry! / Am £100, gewch chi fynediad i BOB DIGWYDDIAD NUKE am 12 mis yn dechrau o'r penwythnos cyntaf fyddwn ni ar agor! (Mae Nuke yn digwydd bob Nos Wener). Fydd eich enw chi hefyd yn cael ei gynnwys yn y raffl i ennill gweddill y gwobrau!

£120 or more

12 Gigs In 12 Months

If you pledge £120, you'll gain entry to 12 gigs at Clwb over the 12 months from when we reopen. You will also be entered into the raffle to win the other rewards! / Am £120, gewch chi fynediad i 12 gig yn Clwb dros y 12 mis ar ol i ni ail-agor. A newn ni rhoi eich enw chi mewn i'r raffl!

£150 or more

12 Months of Dirty Pop

If you pledge £150, you'll gain enetry to EVERY DIRTY POP EVENT for 12 months from the weekend we reopen! (Dirty Pop happens every Saturday night) You'll also be drawn into our raffle to win the rest of the rewards! - Am £150, gewch chi fynediad i BOB DIGWYDDIAD DIRTY POP (Bob Nos Sadwrn) am 12 mis yn dechrau o'r penwythnos cyntaf fyddwn ni ar agor! Fydd eich enw chi hefyd yn cael ei gynnwys yn y raffl!

£200 or more

Get a Clwb Fridge named after you or a loved one

If you or a friend is cooler than a fridge, why not name one of Cardiff’s most popular fridges after them? / Os ydych chi neu un o'ch ffrindiau yn fwy cool na oergell, pam na newch chi enwi un o oergelloedd mwyaf poblogaidd Caerdydd ar ol nhw?

£40 or more

Bundle 1

Pledge £40 and we'll send you the T-Shirt, Enamel Pin, Tea Towel and a print of you at your dream gig! / Cyfrannwch £40 a newn ni anfon crys-T, pin, tywel te a print o chi yn eich gig delfrydol!

£65 or more

Bundle 3

Pledge £65 and we'll post the jumper, t-shirt, pin, tea towel and a print of you at your dream gig! / Cyfrannwch £65 a newn ni anfon siwmper, crys-T, pin, tywel te a print o chi yn eich gig delfrydol!

Show your support

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