PLEASE keep our BIDDY in your thoughts tonight.
Everyone that has met him loves him he is a right character that thinks he a human.
Biddy came in as a stray kitten left to fend for himself on the streets. skinny , full of fleas and stomach issues. It quickly became apparent that he was in fact a she well a hermaphrodite. Which is rare in cats but Biddy had an extra issue it looked like he had an extra hole down there. After weeks of waiting for the swelling to go down the vet thinks there might have been foul play. Three weeks ago his face swelled up and we thought it was a abcess so off to the vets we went. Only for it to be drained and the fluid be clear. It was mentioned it might be a salivary gland leaking but to wait and see. This week it's happened again
He was at the vets today and it's leaking again but pooling under his tounge as you can see in the picture. We are trying a temporary op tomorrow in the hope that works if that does not work the next step is a salivary gland removal which is £5000 min. As a small rescue that will hit us hard, we have been fundraising all the hours we can, and we will continue to do everthing to try our best for him.
This is where we will need your help, even if it's a pound that will help us more that you relise.
Or even sharing this post to your followers, fan, family friends ect.
We.will keep you updated on his progress.