Helm Education Consultancy is a forthcoming educational business that aims to provide personalised tuition services to a diverse range of students in West Yorkshire.
I have personal experience with many issues facing families in education today and spent a long time fighting for my son's EHCP and appropriate school placement. As a qualified and experienced teacher, I am passionate about entering the education sector from a more individualised position to focus on Special Educational Needs (SEND), young people not in education or training (NEET), and young people requiring education other than at school (EOTAS). Our services encompass English, maths, PHSE and social skills, and giving support and advice to families on educational processes, including EHCP applications, school placements and developing EOTAS packages.
With a distribution channel that includes online and physical locations, we aim to reach a wide range of students and families seeking tailored educational support. Our unique approach is through one-to-one tutoring, parent support resources, advice and support for families, bespoke curriculum enrichment, and customised educational plans.
As part of this alternative and inclusive tuition, I am keen to offer disadvantaged families the opportunity to receive heavily subsidised sessions.
The figures are astounding - there are currently more than 1.6 million children persistently absent from school in the UK; 850,000 NEET children; and 3000 young people that have been permanently excluded this academic year. 1.5 million children are SEND and 4.3% of the student population has an educational health care plan (EHCP). In addition, there is now an estimated 125,000-180,000 pupils home educated, mainly for mental health reasons and because schools are unable to meet their needs. There is a severe crisis in SEND due to staff and school shortages and funding cuts, and I want to use my qualifications and experience to support this crisis.
Please consider helping to support as many families as possible in accessing an alternative, inclusive and bespoke educational opportunity. Any financial support would be gratefully received in offering subsidised / free sessions to families that may otherwise not be able to afford personalised tuition and support.