Heyford Cricket Club

by Heyford Cricket Club in Northampton, West Northamptonshire, United Kingdom

Heyford Cricket Club
We did it
On 16th November 2024 we successfully raised £6,317 with 118 supporters in 84 days

Vandals destroyed essential HCC grounds equipment and storage. We are looking for support rebuild and run the clubs equipment and base.

by Heyford Cricket Club in Northampton, West Northamptonshire, United Kingdom

Who are we?

Heyford CC are a community run cricket club, we currently have three Saturday adult teams playing in Division 3, Division 8 and Division 15 of the Northamptonshire Cricket League.

We run the ECB's All Stars Cricket and Dynamos Cricket programmes, and also have an U10s - U13s teams playing competitive league cricket on a Sunday morning during the summer.

Why are we crowdfunding?

As a result of a fire at Heyford Playing Fields on Friday Evening (believed to be started deliberately), we are devastated to report the Heyford CC Storage Unit took the majority of the damage, and as a result we have lost all of our Grounds Equipment (including our recently purchased Roller, Mowers, and all Ancillary Equipment), amounting to thousands upon thousands of pounds damage. Longer term, we’ll be working with our friends at HSC to resolve this, and short term, we’ll be doing our very best to fulfil our remaining home fixtures as best we can. 

The estimated cost to replace all the equipment is not yet fully known so we will be updating this page as more information and costs become available. 



How we’ll spend the money raised

Hire and replacement of equipment and storage facilities while we repair and rebuild.

Community impact

We are an essential part of the fabric of Nether Heyford and the surrounding villages, offering people of all ages and communities a chance to play cricket, socialise and develop.  We are hopeful for your support so we can continue to run the club and our wonderful cricketing community. 

How you can play your part

There are four simple ways to help us reach our target, and make this project a reality.

1. Make a pledge. Don’t delay if you’re going to support us because momentum is key to our success!

2. Spread the word. Share our project on your social media pages and tell the world to get behind us! The more people we reach, the more support we will get.

3. Offer rewards. Get involved if you are a local business by donating things we can offer to our supporters. We will give you a shout out!

4. Fundraise for us. If you want to run your own fundraiser – maybe a sponsored activity or similar – use the 'contact project' button at the top of our page to let us know. Setting up your own page only takes a few minutes and you won’t need any bank details. Just a fun idea!

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