Greener community at Cupids Green

by Stewart Hunt in Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire, United Kingdom

Total raised £11,237

raised so far



Create a “Community Garden” at Cupids Green Active Dacorum Hub, with a "green" shipping container (living roof) as storage and classroom.

by Stewart Hunt in Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire, United Kingdom

We're still collecting donations

On the 16th May 2022 we'd raised £9,155 with 29 supporters in 79 days. But as every pound matters, we're continuing to collect donations from supporters.

 New stretch target

If we are able to reach the £5,000 target, we aim to develop the garden facility at the Hub. We are looking to put in up to 4 planters. The dream bigger stretch target will enable us to buy the materials for the planters as well as tools, seeds, wheelbarrows, appropriate soil, compost, supportive matting for safer standing and protect the ground from frequent access. We are keen to create a wildgrass meadow and encourage butterflies and other wildlife to the facility.

We have been told that the right garden tools and products make gardening so much easier and more comfortable.

We would like to purchase a range of gloves to fit all, garden forks that won't bend under the slightest pressure, secateurs that do not chew prunings and a wheelbarrow that is reliable and useable  We don't want to lose people from the local community if the tools aren’t good enough. 

We are also keen to set up visits from local schools to the facility and would like to create a fun nature activity quiz with stickers and top tips for the children attending the sessions to grow their own food and find out more about climate change and how food is grown, produced, delivered, packaged and how far it can have to travel to get on our plate at home. 

Apex in the Community, Hertfordshire CIC is a not for profit organisation that is aiming to create a “Community Garden” at the Active Dacorum Hub which will “grow” over time and other funding opportunities to x5 planter areas using treated Railway sleepers to create raised beds.

The idea is to create an incredible edible approach where the local community can plant food ( 

The hub site is perfect for a Community Garden as it; 

  • Borders both Woodhall Farm and Grovehill so provides easy access for residents. 
  • is close to local schools and situated next door to the adventure playground. 
  • is within a short walking distance of workplaces at Maylands.
  • is over the road from the Cupid Green Depot 

All of the above are hugely valuable links that could be tied into for both encouraging green volunteering (e.g. workplace lunchtime activities!) as well as encouraging the uptake of locally grown produce. 

From Dacorum Borough Councils Learning from Lockdown research conducted in 2020 during lockdown, the food we choose to eat can make up a significant part of our individual carbon footprints. Growing food locally reduces the carbon footprint of our food by reducing factors such as transportation, storage, and packaging. It also increases resilience for food security which is one of the key risks of climate change. For reference these results were collected July – Aug from 1500 Dacorum residents all based on the March/April lockdown…


We would be keen to purchase a 40Ft by 8ft High Cube (Painted Green) Shipping container as it will be a multipurpose solution at the hub.  We aim to divide the Shipping container into x2 clear 20Ft by 8ft “spaces”. 

Unfortunately in between getting quotes and planning permission for the Shipping container, the costs have gone up by nearly £5,000 due to a shortage of shipping containers and resources for the living roof. We didn't expect to have to find this additional monies.

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This project offered rewards

£20 or more

£20 Reward

Free Coffee and cake from one from the Sunnyside Cafe at the hub

£50 or more

£50 Reward

Lunch for 2 at the Sunnyside Cafe at the Active Dacorum Hub

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