A Green MP for Oldham

by Andy Hunter-Rossall in Oldham

We did it
On 23rd February 2015 we successfully raised £625 with 19 supporters in 42 days

We need to raise a deposit for Miranda Meadowcroft to stand as a Green Party candidate in the General Election, and to fund leaflets.

by Andy Hunter-Rossall in Oldham

 New stretch target

We did it!  We raised £500, and there will be a Green Party candidate in Oldham East and Saddleworth!

But there's so much more we could achieve over the next few months if we can raise more!

A Leaflet in Every Door: £450.  We'd like to fund a leaflet delivered to every door in the constituency.  Thanks to Royal Mail's freepost scheme we will only have to pay the cost of printing, but this could still be as much as £450!  Help us fund a leaflet through every door!

A Green Candidate for Oldham West and Royton: £950.  Standing a candidate in the second Oldham constituency will cost a further £500 for the deposit and £450 for the freepost leaflet!  If you live in Oldham West and Royton, help us put a Green candidate on the ballot paper.

Further campaigning materials: £800.  Further leaflets in targeted areas, posters and posterboards outside all of our supporters houses - there is so much more we could do.  We have set a stretch target of an additional £800 which we think will help us run a very effective campaign.

We need your donations, and we need them early so that we can plan and deliver our campaign.  Please pledge today and help us run effective campaigns in your area!

We need to raise a deposit for Miranda Meadowcroft to stand as a Green Party candidate in Oldham East & Saddleworth, and we would like to fund a leaflet through every door in the constituency.  We'd also like to be able to stand a second candidate in Oldham West and Royton.

The Green Party don't have large corporate donors - we depend on people like you to fund all the good work that we do!  If you want a Green MP in your area, we need you to help us stand.

What your Donations will be spent on:

Deposit: £500.  To stand in a general election costs £500.  This is a tiny amount to parties with corporate backing, but we rely on many small donations to be able to reach this target.  The bare minimum we need to stand is £500.

A leaflet through every door: £450.  We'd like to get our message out to each of the 45,000 houses in Oldham East & Saddleworth.  Thanks to the Royal Mail's Freepost scheme this will only cost at most £450 (the cost of printing), please help us reach this amount!

Oldham West and Royton: £950.  Ideally, we'd like to stand a second candidate in Oldham West and Royton.  This will require an additional £500 deposit and an additional £450 for a freepost leaflet.

A stronger campaign: £800.  In an ideal world, we'd put out additional leaflets in key areas, we'd get posters and posterboards up outside our supporters houses and we would make a real splash across the borough.  The additional cost of this extra campaigning is a further £800.

Introducing: Miranda Meadowcroft - the Green Party Candidate for Oldham East & Saddleworth!

Miranda was one of the founding members of the Oldham & Saddleworth branch of the Green Party.  She has helped build the party in to a vibrant force with a surging membership.

She has served the Green Party nationally as the co-chair of the Green Party Regional Council, and she has been a candidate in many local elections.

Miranda's background is in the co-operative movement.  She has led and supported campaigns around inadequate housing, and has over 8 years experience working with local government.

Miranda was born and raised in Oldham, and she wants to represent the people of Oldham East & Saddleworth in parliament.

"Miranda is a committed, talented and passionate campaigner. She is intelligent, aware and I know she would make a fantastic member of parliament. We need more people who are willing to stand up for what they believe in and Miranda would be just that."   - Hannah Ellen Clare, Co-Convenor of Young Greens North

"Miranda is super knowledgeable about her constituency and passionate about delivering real solutions on behalf of the people."- Sharar Ali, Deputy Leader of the Green Party of England and Wales

Video Endorsement by Anne Power, Observer Ethical Awards "Local Hero" Winner 2014

If you want to see a Green Party candidate on the ballot paper on May 7th, we need your donation to help us run a successful campaign.

If you would prefer to donate by cheque, please find details of how to do so here.

Please note:

There are local elections on the same day which we will be contesting, and funds over our initial target may be partially allocated to local elections.  Leaflets, for example, may promote local election candidates as well as general election candidates.

Any unspent donations at the end of the election will be donated to Oldham, Saddleworth & Rochdale Green Party.

Donations of over £50 must come from registered electors.  If you are unsure whether you can donate, please contact us to find out.


This project offers rewards in return for your donation. Please select a reward below.

£5 or more

£5 Reward

A thank you for believing in my project!

£10 or more

£10 Reward

A shout out on Twitter!

£20 or more

£20 Reward

Your name and a thank you message on our website, oldham.greenparty.org.uk.

£40 or more

£40 Reward

An invitation to a post-election party with local and general election candidates! Plus your name and a thank you message on our website, as above.

£60 or more

£60 Reward

A personalised video thank you from the candidate(s) plus all of the above. Donations over £50 must come from registered electors.

£100 or more

£100 Reward

A personalised video thank you from the candidate(s); a Green Party T-shirt; and an invitation to the post election party. We'll need to know your size and choice of black, white or green for the T-Shirt. Donations of over £50 must come from registered electors.

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