Grace's right to her dad ❤️

by Jade in Chatham, England, United Kingdom

Grace's right to her dad ❤️
We did it
On 9th August 2024 we successfully raised £882 ( + est. £65.50 Gift Aid ) with 9 supporters in 28 days

To help fund the overwhelming cost of fighting for a father's right, and a child's right to her father. A simple case of a father's love!

by Jade in Chatham, England, United Kingdom

My partner is a wonderful father, a father whom, has always stepped up to do the right thing!

He supports me more than I ever have experienced before, he adores my children while appreciating and respecting their biological dad's rights and opinions. 


Since we have met, he has been passionate about his children, with love and devotion. He was seeing his daughter every second he could, every second he was available and allowed. Within a few months, this had dwindled down to weekly, with his exes other priorities taking place. 


I supported him, and reminded him that he had rights and maybe mediation for a routine would be good for all of us. 

We was denied mediation as the other party doesn't want my partner involved, when we got to court, accusations began flying towards him. 

Drug and alcoholic, we paid £657 for a drug test to prove it wasn't true. 

Violent tendency, even with no record, other exes willing to stand and state their experience with him. 

He looks after and supports my beautiful 8 year old frequently and as she says beautifully, the only time daddy and her fight is when she kicks his but in jujutsu (they do a club together!)


He just wants the time to do that with his daughter too. 

Courts are expensive as we both work full time. We tried to manage without a solicitor but, he has anxiety and asperges so didn't manage being in the court on his own. 

We ended up with no contact until we were able to prove he was stable, not an alcoholic, a drug addict or violent. 

After a year of court, and £1578 on court fees and 2 hours a week at £75 per hour for contact fees that the other party declined too offer, we decided to get a solicitor. 

While a solicitor came as a blessing, gave support and help we needed. We also had added fees. £300 an hour. 

We are now three years in, 6 court dates and his daughter has aged from 2 to 5 and he still doesn't have regular contact. 

I'm writing this, because we are about to get to the most expensive part of our court case so far, a defense, for which we need £1750+vat for a barrister and £767 (so far) for solicitor fees. 

We have to prove that while in a kids play centre, his daughter did indeed bump into another child and not be hit by him. Even though the staff said if that had of happened, they would of had to safeguard, if it had of happened, she would've been petrified of him. 

Since this point and the other party phoning social services regarding this incident. 

We're at the point if collapse. All of our spare money is going on this case, to allow his daughter access to him and him access to his daughters life. 

We are desperate and need help to continue. All the emotional effort at this point is about to go to waste, not to mention the money, because we are running out of funds which is also effecting our moral. We are nearly defeated, but this can't have been for nothing. 

So this i a please from family, to yours to help support us, in allowing this wonderful little girl, meet the rest of a family, that has been built around her, awaiting her, yet after nearly 4 years, still not seen her to show her all the love on their hearts. 

We need to do transfer the funds by the 1st August for the next court date. An amount we don't even get paid from our wages between then and now. 

Even a £1 will help. 


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