New stretch target
Every year on Christmas Day our community party provides a wonderful escape and safe haven for thousands of our children and their families. But once Christmas is over they are sharply reminded that they must once again face the bleak struggle of survival in stark and hostile environments.
We have been so inspired by the warmth and generosity the public has shown to our first ever Crowdfunder appeal that we are extending it until 16th January to help us meet the wider and ongoing needs of our children this winter, with warm clothing, hot meals and food vouchers.
With poverty levels rising in the UK, many families struggle to provide basic necessities such as food and heating during winter, the harshest time of year. No child should have to worry about how they will endure the cold winter months without a warm coat, with shoes that are falling apart and without hot meals.
We need your help so we can provide them with these basic needs and improve their well-being so they are not simply surviving everyday but can build a better future for themselves.
Thank you.