Give 'Inner Peace' A Chance

by Kelly Martin in Gloucester, England, United Kingdom

We did it
On 30th October 2018 we successfully raised £4,387 with 36 supporters in 28 days

Help us bring free mental health support and empowering music via digital radio worldwide.

by Kelly Martin in Gloucester, England, United Kingdom

 New stretch target

Owing to the unexpected success of our Crowdfunder in the first 2 hours, we’re extending our stretch target to £6500.  

£2611 of this will cover the cost of music licenses covering the UK, Europe, USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. It will also give us the radio equipment required including microphone, mixer and software and music for the station and the Crowdfunder fees. 

The other £3889 will now be able to extend our radio software packages to 3 years and upgrade us to the silver plan which enables us to have 5000 music and speech tracks on the station and giving us more listening hours. The software will then enable us to expand our range of volunteers and presenters from 10 to 20. In addition we will be able to reach people in India and other countries not covered by the main licenses. We will also be able to extend the website hosting to 3 years giving the station a real opportunity to get established and make a difference.

We are excited to go beyond start-up costs and enable the station to impact more people through:

  • Professional idents and sweepers for the station
  • Consistently fresh sounds and great music
  • Getting the word out about Peace Within Radio through marketing
  • Software to bring the station’s key messages through video as well as the radio through Filmora
  • Imagery for marketing campaigns via Deposit Photos

We are already in deep gratitude by the amount of early support that we received, and we’re extremely excited by the opportunity this gives us to extend our stations potential to those who need it the most, and to keep the station going beyond 2019. Thank you.

Radio created to bring mental health support and powerful music direct into your home.

We're using Crowdfunder to launch our new global station, Peace Within Radio, because there are people sitting at home, driving to work or socialising with friends who are hiding a hidden illness. That illness is a mental health issue.

From depression to anxiety and grief to chronic illness, there is a desperate need now for something that not only uplifts, but brings nourishing support that is accessible to anyone.

From the comfort of home to the train ride to work, Peace Within Radio aims to bridge the gap where mental healthcare isn’t reaching those who need it.

A large portion of humanity feels not good enough on a daily basis and lacks a sense of real purpose. The meaning of life is being lost due to conditions and disorders that cause imbalances in how many people think about themselves and life as a whole.

I suffered from chronic anxiety for 30+ years and have experienced deep depression. What I needed the most was someone to tell me that I was okay, that I wasn’t broken and that I mattered. It’s really hard to reach out when suffering from mental health conditions; it’s easier to retreat from the world and hide, so we often suffer in silence.

Peace Within Radio will break that silence. We will be the voice needed when the inner voice is painful.

Seven days a week, 24 hours a day, we will bring gentle and empowering encouragement at times of need, uplifting or relaxing music when life simply needs support and ways of thinking about life that may bring a sense of inner peace.

Many people still feel the stigma of mental health issues. Hearing from mental health advocates, teachers, coaches and inspiration via the station will not only offer support and guidance, but give people hope and courage to reach out to seek one-to-one help if needed.

Music heals and the music we will play will range from upbeat and uplifting songs with great supportive lyrics that will help listeners feel enough and needed in this challenging world to popular songs that are known for lifting the mood in the pop, rock and world music genres. We are happy to support emerging new artists who are looking to make a difference in this world.

A bridge where free support can bring someone from the dark of depression into a place of inner acceptance.

Bringing audio talks, stories and interviews that motivate, and voices that genuinely care, Peace Within Radio aims to be a voice for those who need it.

  • Free worldwide
  • No negative news or disempowering advertising
  • Listener led
  • Specific programmes for motivation, relaxation, mindfulness, therapy and guidance
  • Sharing the best of this world, including positive news
  • Nourishing soul food for when the world is overwhelming
  • Music chosen for positive mental health

Listen to a sample broadcast HERE

Listen to the 28 minute pilot broadcast HERE. On this sample you will hear a selection of music, intros and inspirational voices. We hope you enjoy, this is only the beginning.

With the right software, the correct music licenses, the ability to create professional content via top of the range equipment, a passion for bringing the ideal music to the station to empower and uplift, we know that this campaign will start a revolution in mental health and radio.

Peace Within Radio will bring together:

  • Trauma experts
  • Psychiatrists
  • Coaches and counsellors
  • Mental health advocates

In the beginning the shows will be pre-recorded, but if we exceed our goal we will be able to purchase equipment to allow more LIVE shows, listeners being able to call in or leave ideas via the website and extending our listener base to countries outside the main music licenses like India and parts of Asia in addition to Europe, America, Canada and Australia.

Available via the website, on radio apps and radio directories, it will be accessible worldwide at no charge.

And important shows will be added separately to the Peace Within Radio Podcast so that pre-recorded shows can be downloaded on demand.

With a long-term goal of expanding into diversity teachings and linking up with major mental health organisations and charities, Peace Within Radio will fulfil the need for help and re-connection with the core needs that are important to living a life that thrives instead of merely living to survive.

In a nutshell our primary goal will help us:

  • Purchase a PPL license (Phonographic Performance Limited license)
  • Purchase a PRS license (Performing Right Society license)
  • Purchase a USA License
  • Purchase a Canada License
  • Purchase a Radio.Co Broadcaster 1 Year Bronze Plan
  • Purchase 2 Radio.Co mobile APPs (One for android/One for iPhone)
  • Purchase Siteground website hosting 1 year GO BIG PLAN
  • Purchase ‘Radio One’ WordPress Theme
  • Purchase Rode Procaster Broadcast Dynamic Microphone + microphone shock mount + swivel mount studio microphone boom arm
  • Purchase Focusrite Scarlett Solo (2nd Gen) Audio Interface
  • Purchase Stagg 3m High Quality XLR to XLR Plug Microphone Cable
  • Purchase 100 songs to add to current collection
  • Purchase 10 audio sweepers
  • Crowdfunder Fees

The minimum amount we need to achieve the basic start-up cost is £2611

If we go beyond this goal we can then invest in:

  • More music
  • Advertising and marketing
  • Reaching India and parts of Asia not covered by the main licenses
  • Technology that allows LIVE interviews and talks with worldwide mental health experts and advocates or questions from listeners.

The more we raise the more impactful and far-reaching the station will become. And in the long-term we would be able to pay volunteers, producers and regular DJ’s and it will give us space to grow.

By the end of the first year, we’d like the station to be running smoothly and be operating in a regular and consistent way. We’d like to have some great people on board and understand the needs of the listeners. In our second year, we’d like to be playing more LIVE shows, connecting with mental health organisations worldwide and supporting the producers, DJ’s and regular broadcasters with an income for all the hard work put into the station. Any excess funding raised will go back into the station and any profits will be going to specific mental health organisations worldwide.

Our long-term goal is to partner with organisations helping people who are suffering with mental health issues and illness and to proactively bring a source of information, empowerment and wisdom to the airwaves to make a real difference to those listening. Ideally within 5 years we would like to apply for a non-profit or charitable status based on the station expansion and growth.

As an all or nothing campaign every little helps. You may think a small donation means nothing, but they soon add up. So, if you can donate the price of a cup of coffee or you are able to donate more, you are playing a big part in helping us meet our goal.

Here on Crowdfunder you can pledge from as little as £1 or alternatively donate a little extra for a gift for you or someone you love.


It's great to give and receive, so if you want to receive a gift in exchange for your donation, make sure you check out our reward options below. The rewards range from £5 up to £200 and some are limited in the number available. You can pledge to receive more than one reward, all you need to do is submit each reward as a separate transaction. See QUESTIONS for anything you are unsure of.


PLEASE NOTE: Sizes are in INCHES (ignore the CM's on the reward option as Crowdfunder won't allow me to change it once a pledge has been taken, my apologies for any confusion).

When we suffer from mental health issues there is so much pressure to fit in, to be 'normal'. I think the majority of us probably don't fit into the 'normal' category and neither would we want to fit in anymore. Stand out and let the world know you don't want to be classified normal. If you buy this reward you will receive it in time for Christmas, so if you want to buy it for someone as a gift, make sure you request the correct size for them. This is a uni-sex t-shirt so it's for anyone who wants to let the world know they are happy with who they are. If you want delivery outside the UK a small extra donation at check-out will enable you to receive it wherever you are. See questions and answers for more information.

Thank you to everyone who donated rewards to help this fundraising campaign, we are very grateful for all of your support. 

Thank you Steven Webb for sharing your wisdom and support for one lucky donator.

Thank you Francois Lange for all of your support and beautiful artwork.

Thank you Bill's restaurant in the UK for your kind donation of a gift voucher for the campaign.

The driving force behind all of this is Kelly Martin, a mental health bloggerauthor and podcaster based in Gloucester in the south west of England. After years of struggling through her own mental health issues like anxiety and depression, she realised that the most challenging thing when suffering is to have a positive inner voice. It seemed almost impossible, until she found a way using mindfulness and self-compassion. She wanted to help people hear a loving kind voice when the inner world felt very dark.

Her passion for radio began in January 2018. This was the driving force behind a new direction for Kelly and she realised that a better way to bring guidance and support to those needing it was by bringing it directly into their own homes. Learning about the ins and outs of radio in another project she was involved in, she realised she had a skill that was ready to be awakened, and that producing, speaking and bringing people together who are experts in their fields and who also want to make a difference was important. After speaking on YouTube, sharing her weekly podcasts at Kelly Martin Speaks and helping others through her Facebook LIVES she knew she had to take this further. After receiving a lot of positive feedback and support via these channels, Kelly was inspired to turn a passion into a worldwide opportunity to bring a greater sense of peace within. Music helped heal Kelly through her own journey and combined with encouraging voices, she knew that this revolution in radio was needed.

Q. Which countries can you ship rewards to?

A. The T-SHIRT Reward includes Royal Mail Signed For delivery to UK addresses, but you can pay a little extra to have your parcel delivered elsewhere.

• Outside UK +£4.00 (includes Republic of Ireland)

When you go to check-out for your physical reward you have the option to pledge more. You can add the extra £4.00 there.

Q. Will the T-SHIRT and POSTCARD rewards be shipped in time for Christmas?

A. Yes, all rewards will be shipped before Christmas. Let us know if you need your reward sooner.

Q. Can I pledge on more than one reward?

A. Yes, you can choose as many rewards as you like. You will need to make a new separate pledge for each reward. If you get stuck, you can message [email protected] for help.

Q. What colours are T-SHIRTS available in?

A. The t-shirts are available in one colour as seen in the reward image above.

Q. What sizes are the T-SHIRTS available in?

A. You can choose from a number of sizes including:

Small, Medium, Large, Extra Large and Extra Extra Large

The exact measurements will be available when you click that reward option.

Q. Where are the locations of Bills restaurants in the UK

A. You can find your nearest Bills here

Q. Can I get my reward sent to someone else?

A.  Yes, if you can give the correct address or email (if it’s a non-physical reward) when paying for the reward we will make sure the recipient receives it. EMAIL [email protected] if you have any further questions. Remember that the BILL’s restaurant reward is only for UK restaurants.

Q. If you don’t meet your goal what happens to my donation?

A. You will have your donation fully refunded within 5 working days, but if you would still like to donate at the end of the campaign we will be setting up a Patreon account for those interested in continuing support for the station.

Q. How do I get in touch with the producer if I have media related enquiries?

A. You can email Kelly at [email protected] or contact her via the website

Q. Where can I find the artist Francois Lange?

A. You can find him at his site

Q. Where can I find the Inner Peace Guide Steven Webb

A. You can find him at

Get in touch with us at [email protected] 

if you have any other questions. 

Visit online at

Music and inspiration for your mental health


This project offers rewards in return for your donation. Please select a reward below.

£25 or more

1 of 25 claimed

'Normal Is Overrated' T-Shirt + Art

A pledge of £25 and you will receive a t-shirt empowering you to embrace your unique self. You will also receive a postcard illustrated by Francois Lange and regular updates on the project, be one of the first to hear when the station goes live.

£5 or more

6 of 100 claimed

Donate and Shine

A pledge of £5 you will receive regular updates on the project, be one of the first to hear when the station goes live and receive a mention on the station in the first week of launch. And receive a great big internet hug and thank you from us of course!

£10 or more

3 of 50 claimed

Audio Hug

When times are hard we all need a voice telling us that we are enough exactly as we are. A pledge of £10 & you will receive an audio recording ‘YOU ARE ENOUGH’ from the producer Kelly, for when times are tough & you are struggling. Kelly has a gentle soothing voice & knows how to help people feel comforted during times of challenge. You will also receive regular updates on the project & be one of the first to hear when the station goes live.

£15 or more

2 of 25 claimed

Peace Art + Audio Hug

A pledge of £15 and you will receive regular updates on the project, be one of the first to hear when the station goes live AND receive a beautiful illustrated postcard by mindfulness artist Francois Lange, the creator of ‘Sketches In Stillness’, beautiful cartoons reflecting the art of living in the present moment + an audio hug

£25 or more

1 of 45 claimed

Shine Series Book + Audio Hug

A pledge of £25 and you will receive a digital copy of ‘When Everyone Shines But You’ a book for when it feels like everyone is passing you by in life and you need encouragement to keep going. You will also receive an audio hug and regular updates on the project and be one of the first to hear when the station goes live.

£100 or more

0 of 9 claimed

Energy Healing and Re-Balancing

A pledge of £100 and you will receive 4 sessions of 45 minute distant Reiki combined with Ho'oponopono over the course of 4 weeks at your desired time by certified Reiki Master and radio producer Kelly. You will also receive regular updates on the project and be one of the first to hear when the station goes live.

£200 or more

0 of 1 claimed

Life Changing Inner Peace

A pledge of £200 and you will receive 1 year of the popular and life-changing Inner Peace Academy led by Steven Webb you will also receive regular updates on the project and be one of the first to hear when the station goes live.

£80 or more

1 of 1 claimed

Dine Out At Bills - UK ONLY

A pledge of £80 you will receive a £100 gift voucher for the delicious restaurant BILLS who serves British dishes made fresh and with seasonal ingredients. You will receive regular updates on the project and be one of the first to hear when the station goes live.(excludes use in December)

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