New stretch target
Every penny will go towards putting together the machinery to get George Galloway elected MP for Rochdale!
Lets get George Galloway back in parliament.
by Workers Party of Britain in Birmingham, West Midlands, United Kingdom
Every penny will go towards putting together the machinery to get George Galloway elected MP for Rochdale!
This campaign is to raise funds for our candidate George Galloway in the Rochdale by-election February 29th 2024. Labour and the Tories are just the same, Britain needs a party to give working-class people a real choice.
Fighting elections costs money, and we rely entirely upon our members, affiliates and supporters to meet the costs of campaigning activities.
All donations will go to the Workers Party of Britain to help our campaigning.
We're required to run permissibility checks on donations over £500. These will be completed as pledges are made. For the same reason, we cannot accept anonymous donations over £500.
If you make multiple donations to us, they may be aggregated for our reporting purposes.
Your details will appear in our election returns if valued over £500, and if you donate over £7500 your identity will appear on the Electoral Commission website.
The Workers Party of Britain is registered with the Electoral Commission, and as such all of the rules and regulations governing political parties around finance (PPERA) apply.
Promoted by the Workers Party of Britain, Committee Room, Church Rd, B13.