We are raising money to enable a Green Party candidate to afford the £500 deposit needed to stand in each of the six constituencies in Worcestershire.
The planet needs your help. According to top climate scientists, we have less than 12 years to reverse damage to the environment and prevent climate breakdown.
The Green Party keeps the environment front and centre because everything depends on a safe and stable planet.
We need your help. The more Green councillors and MPs in your corner, the more we can do to improve public transport, walking and cycling, housing, community, NHS services and the very air you breathe. If these issues matter to you, please donate. We need you.
We do politics in a different way to the main parties – working together to deliver the best for citizens is more important than squabbling over power.
If you want choice and diversity, we’re the party for you. If you want to change the system and do away with safe seats, we’re the party for you.
If you’re fed up with voting for the least bad option instead of for who you really want, join us.
We aim to stand a Green Party candidate in each of the six constituencies in Worcestershire in the coming General Election. If for what ever reason in the unlikely event that we choose not stand a candidate in a particular area the money for that constituency will then be given to the relevant local party for use at their next set of local elections.
Donate now, and let’s get it done.