Helping Hand

by Fife Voluntary Action in Glenrothes, Scotland, United Kingdom

Helping Hand

Total raised £46,170

raised so far

+ est. £2095.00 Gift Aid



We're already helping vulnerable Fifers get through the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic. Give us a Helping Hand to do more.

by Fife Voluntary Action in Glenrothes, Scotland, United Kingdom

 New stretch target

We'll build further on our work and support even more vulnerable individuals, families and communities to survive the impact of this crisis.

We've been inundated with requests from vulnerable and concerned Fifers since the COVID-19 crisis hit- people who now can't get access to shopping, to their prescriptions and to other essential services or support. We've been working hard to get help to these people, from organisations we work with and from the army of volunteers who have come forward to offer a Helping Hand.

What are we already doing?

  • We've partnered with NHS Fife and local pharmacies to deploy a prescription delivery service available to all 87 pharmacies and every patient in Fife who can't collect their medicine.
  • We've partnered with Fife Council, foodbanks and others to deliver food parcels to the needy and self-isolating.
  • We're supporting frontline workers at Fife Council, NHS Fife and charities across the region to keep delivering essential services. 
  • We're registering and mobilising an army of volunteers who are eager to help those in their communities to survive this crisis and its impact.

What will my donation buy?

  • £10 could provide a vulnerable person with electricity for a week
  • £20 could buy fuel to help volunteers deliver essential prescriptions
  • £30 could buy a box of essential food and household items for a family

Every last penny of your donation will go towards an individual or family in need. We won't be taking a penny to cover our own costs. Fife Voluntary Action is a registered charity but we're using our existing resources to cover all of the costs of staffing this project. 

We'll be working to ensure that those most at risk see the biggest benefit. We want the flexibility to be able to help where we can - to not just co-ordinate a response from elsewhere when we see a crisis situation, but to be able to take firm, direct and effective action.

The more money we raise, the bigger our impact can be.

What makes you different from other organisations raising funds?

We're the Third Sector Interface for Fife. That means that we're funded by the Scottish Government and Fife Council to provide essential services to Fife's charities and communities all year round- but we have not received any additional funding to do this work. We have strong relationships with all of our public sector partners, and with third sector leaders across the region, and are well-placed to coordinate and deliver support services. We've got a strong track record in delivery and our accounts are open and transparent.

What are people saying about our project?

"They are doing a fantastic job and getting back to people so quickly means such a lot".

"I registered my elderly Dad as potentially going to need some assistance (if for any reason we, his family, were taken ill). [FVA's staff member] got back to me immediately and was absolutely lovely. Credit where it's due; just having that reassurance was helpful".

What do we need?

We want to raise at least £25,000 to enable us to deliver critical, responsive support to individuals, families and communities battling the impact of this crisis.

We ask project owners to honour their rewards wherever possible but please note that all pledges are donations and there is no guarantee that you will receive any rewards from the project owner. Please see Crowdfunder's Terms of Use for more information regarding rewards for pledges.

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