Village folk of Wanstead liked Christmas trees a lot,
But two of their Councillors most certainly did not!
Berry and Main hated Christmas trees, the whole Christmas season!
Now, please don’t ask me why, no one quite knows the reason.
Perhaps it was the fairy lights, they found them too bright,
Or perhaps it could be, Labour were just too tight.
Perhaps it was something they liked least of all,
To see people of Wanstead, the tall and the small.
Standing close together, with Christmas bells ringing,
Standing as friends and neighbours, with school children singing!
The Mayor always attended, to rapturous applause,
Saying “Only four weeks ‘til the arrival of Santa Claus”
The Salvation Army band would play Christmas carols, note after note,
If only the people of Wanstead could change their last vote!
The more Main & Berry thought of this annual Christmas Sing,
The more they joined Labour colleagues thinking, “We must stop this whole thing!”
“For too many years we’ve put up with it now!”
“We must stop this joy from happening, stop it, but how?”
Then Main & Berry got an idea, jumping up with glee,
“We know what we’ll do” they exclaimed, “we’ll scrap Wanstead’s Christmas tree”
When the vote against the tree came, the box Main & Berry did tick,
“This is perfect” they thought while grinning, another ‘same Old Labour’ trick!
A Christmas tree had been on George Green, for as long as anybody could remember.
But for the first year thanks to Labour, THERE’LL BE NONE THIS DECEMBER!
Join with us in helping to fund Wanstead's annual Christmas tree so that the level of Council budget cuts will not affect our seasonal, community celebrations. After all, we've been very good boys and girls... honest! AND hopefully, Father Christmas may even put in an appearance at the switching on ceremony but only if you promise to be good!