Frank Adlington-Stringer is North East Derbyshire's first-ever elected Green Councillor, and at the age of 26 is their youngest-ever elected representative. Frank has led the way locally and achieved history, and now he is ready to do so again.
Frank is standing for the newly created position of East Midlands Mayor, and will implement a Green Industrial Revolution to ensure our communities are future-ready.
This means that our region which has recieved the least public investment in the whole country, has the fewest highly qualified individuals, and 86,000 job seekers, will have the opportunity to become an economic powerhouse of the future.
Frank's plan will see at least £38 million invested directly into our communities each and every year. With his 'Spend Local' pledge, Frank will use Mayoral funds to boost the East Midlands by investing in it.
Just a few headline points from Frank's Plan are:
- Renew our communities: At least £16.8 million worth of truly sustainable and genuinely affordable community owned housing.
- Restore our jobs: Providing free future-ready training to 86,000 job seekers to transform the East Midlands into a future powerhouse.
- Repair our economy: Free travel for young people on a £1.5 billion innovative, integrated and reliable public transport system, with London-style ticketing from a £100 million fund.
"As Mayor, Frank will deliver a Green Industrial Revolution for the East Midlands. Frank's experience, skillset and passion will ensure that the communities which first brought the world the engine, are at the forefront of the future economy", said Green Party co-Leader, Carla Denyer.
In order to achieve this, we need your help. The Green Party, which unlike other political parties rejects donations from private interests, runs on crowdfunders and people-power to keep us accountable to you. This election (unfairly in our opinion) requires a £5,000 deposit, by helping us to raise these funds you are helping to get Frank's name on the ballot paper.
Five years of campaigning experience for the Green Party in the East Midlands coupled with election expertise earned from working with Green Party election teams in London, the West Midlands and Bristol, means that Frank knows how to win elections.
In the most recent local elections, Frank achieved the 2nd highest vote share of all elected representatives from all political parties across the entire District. Before his resounding election victory which turned a once Conservative-stronghold Green, Frank almost doubled the Green Party vote in the General Election of 2019.
Caroline Lucas’ congratulations and remarks, “You have a bright future ahead of you as a Green candidate”, still spur Frank on. As do the recent comments of Green Party Deputy Leader, Zack Polanski, who said, "I'm delighted to see Frank has been selected to be the candidate for Mayor. I've seen how much Frank cares about the community and will be a vibrant and exciting Mayor that will always have people and planet at the heart of everything he does - he'd be a very wise choice for Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire!"
Stinging successes in public debates with Conservative and Labour Members of Parliament and Government Ministers boosted Frank's social media reach overnight. His accounts regularly reach hundreds of thousands of users, demonstrating Frank's ability to effectively challenge the establishment and offer a popular alternative.
Frank was the only one of 54 elected representatives who dare call for a ceasfire in Gaza. His excellent speech, which recieved widespread praise, introduced Frank's motion for a permanent ceasefire, the recognition of Palestine and the tackling of all forms of racism. Frank, the only Green in the room, was the only person willing to speak out, the rest sat in silence.
Frank said, "When I enter the political arena, my voice is no longer my own. I become a spokesperson for all those who are excluded from the Chamber. I am spokesperson for the margenilised and vulnerable. I am a representative of the people. That is my job."
Being born in Chesterfield, raised in Derby, educated in Nottingham, and elected in Derbyshire, fuels Frank's ambition to deliver for our region as Mayor. He is proud to represent you.
By donating today you are putting a common sense choice on the ballot paper in May, and giving us all the opportunity to vote for a future to be proud of.
"Thank you for you support, not just now or through the campaign, but until we achieve the meaningful change we all deserve. Together we will create a fairer and greener society", Frank concluded.