
RCN 1162197, London

Evidence shows that 1 in 4 children don't have positive role models in their life, despite the impact they have on their achievements and future success. We want to change this. All young people deserve equal access to a diverse network of role models to educate them on career pathways and raise their career aspirations. We provide a free, quick and easy platform for educators to use to connect their students with inspirational volunteer role models, either in the classroom or virtually, to educate them on the different careers pathways in a variety of industries and raise their career aspirations.

In the UK today we face a two-sided problem. Young people, particularly those from less advantaged backgrounds, are not getting the quality careers education they need in order to successfully transition into the world of work.

Likewise, employers have growing concerns that we are not preparing young people for the jobs of today. Without change we won’t develop a diverse and skilled emerging workforce, which poses a threat to economic growth and an inability to achieve the UN sustainable development goals. 

We improve students’ employment prospects by connecting them to a diverse network of volunteers from all industries. The volunteers play an important role, especially for those from disadvantaged backgrounds without role models, to raise aspirations, instil self-belief, and offer insight into the rapid changes in the emerging world of work.

Research shows that students who have four or more encounters with a business role model are five times less likely to become NEET (Not in Education, Employment or Training) and three times more likely to choose a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Maths) subject. 

To date we’ve brokered over 1.4m student-employer encounters through our platform, which provides educators with a free, quick and easy method to invite business professionals into the classroom. We also provide our own events for students, training for educators and guidance on securing meaningful work experience.

Much of the curriculum taught in the UK was written for a world that has evolved, so we highlight key sectors of growth, such as sustainability, digital and STEM. We also challenge career stereotypes and gender bias, particularly demonstrated through our Maths4Girls initiative, which inspires girls to engage in maths at further education level, driving gender equity in business.

With your support, we can raise social mobility, inclusivity and equal access to prosperous careers, levelling the playing field for the young people who need us most.

Extra funding and programmes
Nectar Donate donated to this cause

Nectar Donate has provided £22 of funding

This project received funding through the Nectar donate programme, turning points into positivity.


31st January 2022 at 4:07pm

Great cause! Keep up the good work!

31st January 2022 at 4:06pm

pledged £20

Melanie Bodaly
26th January 2022 at 9:53am

Amazing charity, keep up the good work!

26th January 2022 at 9:52am

pledged £2

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