Get FFF Activists out of Afganistan

by FFF Activists in Risk Zones in Afghanistan

Get FFF Activists out of Afganistan

Total raised £24,693

raised so far



Through their work in climate activism, FFF Afghanistan activists are now at risk under Taliban rule. We’re trying to get them to safety.

by FFF Activists in Risk Zones in Afghanistan

Regular Donations: After you have completed your donation you will be able to set-up a regular donation arrangement to continue supporting this great cause.

Climate activists have become targets in Afghanistan.

Their tireless work to create a sustainable future has put them gravely at risk. They urgently need to escape the country, or risk being killed by the Taliban. 

We’re working to get them to safety. We’ve set up this crowdfunding campaign to raise urgent funds to get targeted activists out of the country. 

Your donations will pay for flights/transportation, visa fees, support, legal fees, and any other costs incurred with getting them to safety. Any funds we don’t use will go to other trusted campaigns working to get those at high risk out of the country.

This campaign is being organised by FFF Activists from all over the world. Our rapid response team is in contact with our youth members on the ground and are working with state officials, trusted NGO partners and supporters. Coordinated humanitarian work is ongoing to support evacuation and resettlement efforts, but all our help is needed.

Please donate and share with anyone you can. Activists need your help to save lives. Every small amount helps!

Note - while this crowdfunder displays funds in pounds, donations can be made in any currency!

*All funds raised through this crowdfunder are hosted by Climate 2025, a not-for-profit that supports movements tackling the climate and ecological emergency. 

For larger donations and all external enquiries please contact the Fridays For Future Activist in Risk Zones (ARZ) working group on [email protected]

-->If you are part of an NGO or state department that we're not yet connected to, and you have relevant information that might assist our rapid response team, please provide details here and we will be in touch.

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