by Gordon Smith in Banchory, Scotland, United Kingdom

We did it
On 30th March 2021 we successfully raised £8,076 with 142 supporters in 56 days

To elect the SNP’s Fergus Mutch as the MSP for Aberdeenshire West in the Scottish Parliament election this May.

by Gordon Smith in Banchory, Scotland, United Kingdom

 New stretch target

Due to Covid19 , Doorstep campaigning to reach voters can be limited, extra donations will enable more targeted media promotions closer to polling day itself.

We need your help.

This is a vital election for Scotland’s future, and we need all the resources we can muster to help elect Fergus Mutch to the Scottish Parliament. 

Any contribution, big or small, will help us enormously to topple the Tories in Aberdeenshire West. 

Why support my funding appeal?

The people of Aberdeenshire West need an MSP who will always fight their corner and stand up for the constituency at Holyrood. 

Current polls show that we can definitely win this seat back from the Tories, but that will require hard work from now until polling day and a well-resourced campaign. 

Your donation will go a long way towards delivering an SNP victory in Aberdeenshire West this May. 

Thank you for your support. 

Fergus Mutch 


Promoted by Moray Grant on behalf of Fergus Mutch, both at SNP, New Office, North Deeside Road, Banchory, AB315YR

If you are kind enough to donate more than £50 to my campaign, your name and address will be checked against the electoral register to ensure that you are eligible to donate. Your name, but not your address, will be made available by the council on request after  the election. Donations must be from your own resources.


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