Feed Five Drive is fundraising for
Charity No. 1100051
![Feed Five Drive](https://www.crowdfunder.co.uk/uploads/projects/877664.jpg?1670519818)
By setting up Feed Five Drive we are hoping to encourage donations to food banks and raise money for Fareshare in order to help alleviate food poverty.
The idea is simple and familiar - Give 5 items to a food bank, Donate £5 to our fundraiser and Nominate 5 others to do the same!
In the UK, 8.4 million people are struggling with food poverty, whilst approximately 1 in 3 children live in food insecure households. The pandemic and socioeconomic impacts of the lockdown will exacerbate existing food insecurities, causing more families to rely on food banks. Both the Trussell Trust and the Independent Food Aid Network have already noted a surge in demand at food banks across the country due to COVID-19.
As most of the food donated via this campaign will reach Trussell Trust or IFAN food banks we've chosen to raise money for Fareshare. Of course if you'd like to donate to the Trussell Trust or your local food bank please do so!
Fareshare is the UK's largest food redistribution charity and is an amazing impactful organisation. They redistribute unsold surplus food to those who need it most, addressing both food waste and food poverty.
Food banks and food redistribution charities are already working at full capacity to help address the growing problem of food poverty and insecurity. This campaign seeks to support these charities, whilst also acknowledging that action from the government is needed to better support the most vulnerable in our communities and reduce the need for food aid. Food aid is not a solution to food poverty. However we hope that this campaign gives all of us, who are able to help, a chance to have a small but tangible impact.
2nd August 2020 at 11:01ampledged £10
Saoirse Deko
31st July 2020 at 7:27pmpledged £5
31st July 2020 at 3:48pmpledged £10
Róisín Spencer
30th July 2020 at 4:06pmHugely important cause - love and solidarity!
Róisín Spencer
30th July 2020 at 4:05pmpledged £5
17th June 2020 at 2:09pmpledged £20 + an est. £5.00 in Gift Aid
Max La Manna
11th June 2020 at 12:27pmpledged £27
Max La Manna has also backed 3 other projects
Max La Manna
11th June 2020 at 12:26pmpledged £23
Max La Manna has also backed 3 other projects
Michelle Ruas
6th June 2020 at 2:55pmpledged £10 + an est. £2.50 in Gift Aid
Simone Amos
28th May 2020 at 10:58pmpledged £5 + an est. £1.25 in Gift Aid
James Gibb
28th May 2020 at 10:32pmWell done keep it going Bradbury
James Gibb
28th May 2020 at 10:30pmpledged £40 + an est. £10.00 in Gift Aid