Feed 500 Children, free healthy meals for 1 year

by FirstStepsBath in Bath

We did it
On 19th February 2014 we successfully raised £6,040 with 22 supporters in 70 days

To provide free healthy snacks and lunches for those children in the greatest need (those living in the top 20 most deprived areas in the country). National cuts to Children's Centre budgets mean that we have had to strip down our service, and this includes the £12,000 annual cost of providing free meals to those children living in the areas of highest deprivation. Our aim is to ensure that children start school healthy, happy and ready to learn; with a positive attitude towards food.

by FirstStepsBath in Bath

Project: Feed 500 Children, free healthy meals for 1 year


We need £12,000 to be able to continue to provide free meals to children in greatest need.  We are asking for backers to pledge £6,000 through crowdfunder as part of this project. We plan to raise the remaining £6,000 through our ongoing fundraising events; such as Christmas carols, bag packing, collections at Bath Rugby matches and donations from applications to trusts and grant-making bodies.

Although Bath is viewed as highly affluent there are areas of extreme poverty.

The majority of children that attend Daycare in our Children's Centres live in some of the most deprived areas in the country.  High deprivation means that it is often difficult to provide healthy meals. 


We have been able to provide free meals to these children previously.  However, due to the hefty 38% funding cuts to Children's Centres we have had to streamline our services to still be able to provide the range of quality courses, events, groups and Daycare that we currently have on offer to support vulnerable families.



The £6,000 that we are asking for in this project will be used to buy the food required to feed all those mouths!

In practice it is likely to feed over 500 individual children which will ensure that they learn the healthy eating practices which they need to ensure that they start school healthy, happy and ready to learn; with a positive attitude towards food.


This project offers rewards in return for your donation. Please select a reward below.

£5 or more

5 of 50 claimed

£5 Reward

Thank you Card designed by the children.

£10 or more

7 of 50 claimed

£10 Reward

Thank you card designed by the children and a First Steps Fridge Magnet.

£20 or more

9 of 15 claimed

£20 Reward

Thank you card designed by the children, and First Steps bag patch (so you can sew onto your bag to remind you of your generous giving)

£50 or more

2 of 15 claimed

£50 Reward

Thank you Card designed by the children, feature on our website.

£100 or more

0 of 20 claimed

£100 Reward

Thank you card designed by the children, feature in our newsletter as a supporter and on our website.

£500 or more

£500 Reward

Feature in our newsletter as a supporter and on our website, receive our supporter pack, personalised visit to join us for a healthy lunch with children and staff.

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