Thank you for considering offering some short term help for our family business. In exchange, we'd like to offer you some initial and long term rewards which we hope represent good value for you.
Your help would have the following benefits from Autumn 2025:
- One full-time job created.
- One full-time apprenticeship created.
- Increased trade with 6 Lancaster and Morecambe producers & suppliers.
- Sustainability of our family business in Morecambe throughout the winter months.
We currently have the opportunity to start supplying Booths from Autumn 2025. In order to do this we'll need to have a packaged product ready and lab tested by May:
Your help would contribute towards the following:
- February - Investment in small packaging machine.
- March - Laboratory testing of product.
- April - Deposit on a Blast Chiller.
Thank you for reading.
Pete & Helen
P.S. You can find out more about our business and where to find us at