This summer, a masterpiece of medieval English literature is coming back to life...
Written almost 650 years ago by William Langland, Piers Plowman enters the mind of a wanderer, Will, as he falls asleep in the Malvern Hills, dreams of a ‘fair field full of folk’ and embarks on a quest to find Truth. Conceived and produced by multi-award-winning arts company Penned in the Margins, Fair Field re-imagines Piers Plowman for the twenty-first century through site-responsive performances in London and Herefordshire (June/July), an exhibition at the National Poetry Library (May-July), educational workshops for schoolchildren, and more.
We have already raised 90% of our production funding with the generous help of Arts Council England, Jerwood Charitable Foundation, Shoreditch Town Hall, Ledbury Poetry Festival and King's College London.
What will your support do
YOU can help us raise the final £4,000 so we can deliver a project that reaches the widest possible audience, and creates a legacy for understanding and accessing this important work of medieval English literature.
Your generous support will go towards:
- Workshops in primary schools in Ledbury, Herefordshire and London (Hackney/Lambeth)
- Commissioning artists including Breach Theatre and The Society of Strange and Ancient Instruments
- Paying actors and securing rehearsal space
- Capturing the productions through video and audio
- Creating a beautiful and informative exhibition at the National Poetry Library
By supporting Fair Field, you can join in the dreamer's quest to find Do-well, Do-better and Do-best. These characters represent the three levels of moral life in the poem.
Do-well: give just £20 towards the project and receive a credit on the Fair Field website and other literature.
Do-better: give £50 - you'll receive, in addition, an A5 postcard with Middle English text from the poem.
Do-best: give £100 and we'll send you an A4 print signed by the project team and a wonderful CD from The Society of Strange and Ancient Instruments.
Please do visit the project website for more information: