Expand and protect Horsenden’s rare breed animals

by Horsenden Rarebreeds in Greenford, Greater London, United Kingdom

Total raised £13,195

raised so far



We are fundraising to construct stables for working horses, to fox-proof our poultry housing and develop our composting facilities.

by Horsenden Rarebreeds in Greenford, Greater London, United Kingdom

We're still collecting donations

On the 2nd November 2024 we'd raised £12,585 with 202 supporters in 52 days. But as every pound matters, we're continuing to collect donations from supporters.

 New stretch target

Now that we have raised enough for the stables, help us purchase tack for our working horse! Unfortunately, because there are so few working horses left in Britain it is hard to source the right equipment. An additional £3,000 will help us to buy specialist kit such as a harness, collar and logging arch. 

The concept

Horsenden Farm is a working community farm in Perivale, West London. Animals play a vital role in the farm ecosystem, and we’d like to expand! 

We would like to bring horses to Horsenden. The long-term plan is to introduce a Fell pony to the farm, a versatile and hardy breed known for its gentleness, strength and agility. Horsenden Hill is a nature reserve and the pony will be used as a working horse to help with woodland management tasks such as logging and coppicing. Horses offer a valuable alternative to modern machinery as they can access hard-to-reach places that are inaccessible by vehicle. To make this plan a reality, we need to construct a stable. We have already started the groundwork, but we need to raise money for materials.


Photo (above): Every year since 2106, Luna, a working horse and her handler Dan, have visited Horsenden to assist Ranger Jon Staples with woodland management. Now it's time we get our own! 

While we’re at it we’d like to upgrade our poultry housing. Unfortunately, the local foxes have discovered the farm’s chickens and geese. We urgently need to develop new housing to outfox our furry friends! Horsenden is the only supplier of regeneratively farmed chicken and goose eggs in the area and we have dedicated customers who regularly purchase our eggs. We would like to keep this going, but first we need to ensure that our feathered pals are happy and safe. Funds from this campaign will help us to construct a state-of-the-art coop to keep our birds secure.

All these animals produce a lot of manure! The manure is very valuable and can be used to support the farm’s 'no-dig' vegetable production, but to store and process it effectively we need adequate composting facilities. Covered composting bays will help us to process manure quickly and efficiently, and keep the farm clean and tidy. They also offer a great opportunity for rainwater harvesting so this will be incorporated too!

Please help us to expand and protect Horsenden’s rare breed animals. Donate what you can. A big thank you in advance from the feathered and furry ones!

Geraldine, the lonely goose

Photo (above): Geraldine, the goose, with Elsa who leads our rare breed team.

The costs:

  • Bespoke stables for working horses (two stalls, a tack room and yard): £8,000
  • Poultry housing (state-of-the-art, fox-proof design): £2,000
  • Composting and rainwater harvesting system: £2,000

How you can help:

We've created a selection of rewards for our Crowdfunders, including a limited edition t-shirt, Sunday roast and tour of the farm, and a unique Horsenden beer! Whatever reward you go for - you'll be helping us reach our target.

If we don't reach £12k, we get nothing (and you get your donation back). So PLEASE have a look at the rewards on this page - and share with everyone you know who loves animals and nature!

What we will deliver:

  • Beautiful, safe and environmentally friendly animal housing facilities that ensure high standards of animal welfare. 
  • Chicken, goose and duck eggs for sale to the local community.
  • A demonstration of how nature-friendly farming can work in practice, with examples of integrated farming systems. 
  • Opportunities for local groups (including young people and school children) to learn about working farms. 
  • Open days to inform the general public about the social and environmental benefits of regenerative, nature-friendly farming.

Why this is a good idea: 

This is about hope, practical action, the strength of community, love for our planet, and a belief in the power of regenerative farming! We are facing numerous challenges with climate change, biodiversity loss and growing social isolation, but we believe that community-run farms offer great potential to address these problems. We want to show that a small place like Horsenden can make huge social and environmental contributions. 

At the heart of this project are the rare breed animals. These extraordinary beings bring incredible benefits by working in harmony with our countryside. Farming with rare breeds offers a sustainable alternative to the intensive approach to farming that has come to dominate in recent decades. Horsenden is one of only a few farms in London that supports rare breed animals and incorporates them into conservation activities. Having a range of animals helps us to enhance the local environment and educate people about the role they can play in farm ecosystems.


Photo (above) We have Bagot goats, Shetland cows and Saddleback pigs.

About us: 

Our group started out with two pigs in 2017. We then added Shetland cows, Bagot goats, chickens and geese in following years. The Horsenden rare-breeds constituted community group was officially established in 2022. The aim of the group is to use native and rare breed animals to help manage land around Horsenden Hill and contribute to Ealing Council’s conservation grazing programme. The group consists of ten dedicated and enthusiastic volunteers from the local area, working in close collaboration with the Ranger. We use a buddy system on rotational shifts to ensure excellent animal welfare. Holistic care is followed to avoid the use of chemicals which can be harmful for dung beetles and other creatures. We are passionate about supporting the survival of native and rare breeds and demonstrating the contributions they can make to our community and environment.

Photo (below): Megan, a member of the team, with one of our lovely chickens.


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This project offered rewards

£10 or more

£10 Reward

Our gratitude & eternal thanks!

£25 or more

Horsenden rare breeds calendar

Receive a unique Horsenden rare breeds calendar featuring seasonal images of our cows, pigs, goats, poultry and the beautiful landscape of Horsenden Hill.

£30 or more

Original lino print

Original nature inspired A3 lino print made by Horsenden's resident designer Milly Mills (designs include a little owl, a beaver and local wildflowers).

£40 or more

Horsenden rare breeds t-shirt

Limited edition ‘Horsenden rare breeds’ t-shirt with our lovely logo featuring illustrations of our animals, created by our talented resident designer Milly Mills.

£50 or more

Sunday roast & farm tour

Come to the farm for a delicious Sunday roast from the Horsenden Loaf and a guided tour of the farm with members of the rare breed team. Limited to 20 places.

£100 or more

Horsenden Farm Feast

One ticket to a Horsenden Farm Feast! Join us to celebrate the completion of the construction work in style with afternoon tea and drinks. Limited to 10 exclusive places.

£200 or more

Learn to brew day

Join Mike Siddell, head brewer of Perivale Brewery, and learn the basics of brewing. You will be shown the process and the ingredients, which will give you a feel for how we incorporate the farm into our flavours. There'll be beer to try along the way and you'll get some of the beer you help to make once it's ready! £200 per person.

£500 or more

VIP sponsors plaque

Keen to make a major donation to developing our farm infrastructure? We are creating a plaque of our major sponsors to be displayed on the new animal housing. We have space for 10 names - companies, families or individuals.

£30 or more

6 pack of limited edition ‘Horsenden hay’ beer

To help us hit our target, the Perivale brewery has created a limited edition rare breeds beer made with Horsenden hay! You’ll receive a 6 pack gift set of these specially crafted beers. Mike has only made a small batch of 120 bottles - so when they’re gone they’re gone!

£85 or more

Hedgelaying workshop

Interested in learning the ancient skill of hedgelaying? Join Justin Bonnet for a two day workshop that will take you through the basics of how to create living hedges - a gentle introduction to this wonderful country craft. (Workshop to take place on 18th/19th January during hedgelaying season).

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