Equity for the Planet

by The Real Junk Food Project in Leeds, West Yorkshire, United Kingdom

Total raised £4,350

raised so far



Equity for the Planet A #Kindness crowdfunding campaign to raise investment for TRJFP to expand our catering operations.

by The Real Junk Food Project in Leeds, West Yorkshire, United Kingdom

We're still collecting donations

On the 26th September 2021 we'd raised £4,230 with 56 supporters in 28 days. But as every pound matters, we're continuing to collect donations from supporters.

Regular Donations: After you have completed your donation you will be able to set-up a regular donation arrangement to continue supporting this great cause.


Equity for the Planet

A #Kindness crowdfunding campaign to raise investment into TRJFP.

Since July 2020, TRJFP has evolved into one of the UK's largest environmental organisations redistributing surplus food, creating community farming, mushroom farming, outside catering, PAYF cafes, kindness warehouse, redistribution and Hubs across the north of the UK.

During some of the most unprecedented times the World has experienced, we have been there for thousands of people and organisations nationwide, when they needed us the most, and now we need you.

To continue our growth, we are looking for donations to help us expand our catering operations to carry on feeding bellies not bins.



Why are we Crowdfunding now?

We want to raise £10,000 to urgently upgrade TRJFPs catering operations allowing us to provide more environmentally focussed events. 

#FeedingBelliesNotBins has been at the heart of our operations from the beginning and now we want to take it even further! By expanding our catering operations we will be able to add a fully fitted kitchen to our Kindness Warehouse, where we will be able to cater events both onsite and on location, create delicious food and even educate the next generation – all from surplus food!

"Just wanted to drop you a message to say thank you for the catering at Ralph’s party today. The kids all loved the food, and it was really well put together. Thanks so much for helping us give Ralph a day to remember."

"Thank you, the buffet was delicious, exactly what we had in mind. It went down very well."

"The food was great thank you so much. Everyone loved it especially the cheese pie."

Your donations will help us to expand our catering operations, make more people happy and make more food available to more people #Let’sReallyFeedTheWorld. 


What do you get for your donation?

  • £10 = One time access to a Build a Box preview hour on:
    Saturday 25th Sept (30 available)
    Saturday 2nd Oct (30 available)
    Saturday 9th Oct (30 available)
    Saturday 16th Oct (30 available)
  • £20 = PDF of a recipe from the curry night (24th Sept) and a video link to Jack making the recipe (100 available)
  • £40 = PDF, Video link and exclusive access to tickets for the Bistro Night on 31st Oct (set period before general release) (25 available)
  • £60 = Membership for one person, PDF, Video link (100 available)
  • £100 = Table for 2 at the Bistro Night of your choice, PDF and Video (15 available)
  • £200 = Cold Buffet for up to 15 people delivered within a 10 mile radius of Stourton (4 available)

                  2 Seats at a Bistro demo night (10 available)

                  Be a drivers mate in our new van with Garry, weekdays only (4 available)


What more does your money enable?

The main focus of this Crowdfunder is to raise £10,000 to invest into our catering service to provide more environmentally focused events. If we are able to raise over £10,000 we'll look to invest more in below:

  • To continue investing into people 
  • Update our vehicles to allow us to be more environmentally friendly on the road 
  • Open a new #Kindness warehouse to continue intercepting large volumes of surplus food 
  • Investment into our growing spaces, community farm and mushroom farm


How can you get involved?

Choose one of our fabulous rewards via this Crowdfunder by selecting from the list, we'll then be in touch to register your membership post campaign. 

You can support us here. Please share this Crowdfunder far and wide amongst your friends and family. 

Thank you!




For more information on Memberships see here

To find out how you can become a volunteer visit the Volunteer page on our website.

To book us for an event visit the Catering page on our website.

If you're interested in buying a food box, download the TooGoodToGo app and choose your location to get started!


Or enter custom amount


This project offered rewards

£60 or more

TRJFP Annual Member

A year long membership into a Social Enterprise including: Quarterly Newsletter with updates on the project • One complimentary Magic box per year • Early Bird alerts to Bistro Nights and any other events • Tour of the Kindness Warehouse (designated dates) • Access to volunteering and employment opportunities • We'll send you a link to register your membership after you've pledged the £60.

£10 or more

£10 Reward

One time access to a Build a Box preview hour on Saturday 25th Sept

£10 or more

£10 Reward

One time access to a Build a Box preview hour on Saturday 2nd Oct

£10 or more

£10 Reward

One time access to a Build a Box preview hour on Saturday 9th Oct

£10 or more

£10 Reward

One time access to a Build a Box preview hour on Saturday 16th Oct

£20 or more

£20 Reward

Receive a PDF of a recipe from the curry night (24th Sept) and a video link to our chef Jack preparing the recipe

£40 or more

£40 Reward

Receive a PDF, a Video link and exclusive access to tickets for the Bistro Night on 31st Oct (set period before general release)

£100 or more

£100 Reward

Enjoy a Table for 2 at the Bistro Night of your choice, a PDF and a Video link to Jack preparing the recipe

£200 or more

£200 Reward

Enjoy a Cold Buffet for up to 15 people delivered within a 10 mile radius of Stourton (LS10)

£200 or more

£200 Reward

An exclusive Bistro demo night for two people, watch all the tips and tricks as our chef Jack prepares a meal right in front of you.

£200 or more

£200 Reward

A behind the scenes day out as a drivers mate in our new van with our driver Garry, (weekdays only)

Show your support

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