Ensure The Mulberry remains open

by Stacey bingham in Sheffield, England, United Kingdom

Ensure The Mulberry remains open

Total raised £1,245

raised so far



The global COVID-19 pandemic has created a very uncertain landscape for  millions of British small businesses, we are here to help.

by Stacey bingham in Sheffield, England, United Kingdom

We're still collecting donations

On the 23rd June 2020 we'd raised £1,235 with 45 supporters in 55 days. But as every pound matters, we're continuing to collect donations from supporters.

The global COVID-19 pandemic has created a very uncertain landscape for  millions of British small businesses, which is going to make it very challenging for businesses to survive. Together we can help them. 

Crowdfunder are offering up their platform to allow all UK small businesses to pre-sell their meals, events, hotel bookings etc. for cash now on a promise to redeem these at a later date.

We are part of a national imitative launched by the music venue trust to prevent the closure of 100s of independent music venues. Please support our campaign.

We're extremely proud to be part of an organisation that helps to support UK Music Venues - as an independent grassroots music venue their guidance is invaluable, especially at this time!

Our UK venues face permanent closure because they are unable to generate enough income to cover even their reduced costs during this lockdown period. The majority of their income is raised by ticket sales and bar sales - both of which are at an all-time low or non-existent due to the forced closure of the venues.

They have made efforts to raise extra funds via online merchandise sales and we are so grateful that people are supporting venues by doing this.

Any money raised through this fundraiser over our target will be given to Music Venue Trust's nationwide pot to help save the UK's venues from closure.

Our half of your kind donations will be used to help cover the following immediate costs:

- Staff that we are unable to furlough who are desperately trying to keep the venue alive and kicking for the future

- Financial help for our freelance DJs/engineers/crew

- Rent that we are unable to get a holiday period from via our Landlord

- Essential running costs that are a legal/safety requirement

If we hit our target, it will be a massive help to protect other venues just like ours, right across the country.

We ask project owners to honour their rewards wherever possible but please note that all pledges are donations and there is no guarantee that you will receive any rewards from the project owner. Please see Crowdfunder's Terms of Use for more information regarding rewards for pledges.

Or enter custom amount


This project offered rewards

£100 or more

Exclusive Karaoke Party

Exclusive Karaoke Party at The Mulberry for 20 people, with a £50 bar tab! Including a Karaoke DJ bringing you the entertainment. Snacks will also be provided.

£10 or more

£10 Mulberry Love Pledge

Spare us £10 and we will give you a ticket to any show of your choice once we are reopened (excluding Sold out shows and Charity shows) Plus, we will invite you to any reopening celebrations we put on.

£10 or more

Mulberry Covid:19 Mask + 2 Free Drinks

For a £10 Pledge, we will give you an official Mulberry Covid:19 Mask (which you can collect from us if you prefer, or wait until we reopen) plus 2 Free Drinks*, once we reopen. *Select Drinks

£15 or more

£15 Mulberry Love Pledge

Spare us £15 and we will give you a ticket to any show of your choice once we are reopened (excluding Sold out shows and Charity shows) A Jack Daniels/ Fireball official t-shirt. Plus, we will invite you to any reopening celebrations we put on.

£20 or more

£20 Mulberry Love Pledge

Spare us £20 and we will give you two tickets to any show of your choice once we are reopened (excluding Sold out shows and Charity shows) Plus, we will invite you to any reopening celebrations we put on.

£20 or more

£20 Pimp Your Home Bar

Kindly donate £20 and we will help you Pimp Your Home Bar, with bar runners, beer mats, glasses and "suprise" items.....for example....bunting, metal.signage etc etc

£20 or more

Gallon Of Beer

Kindly donate £20 and once we have reopened you will receive our gratitude as well as a Gallon Of Beer! We will give you vouchers to spend as and when you please.

£25 or more

£25 FUTURE ...

Pledge £25 today and we'll reward you with... PLEDGE NOW> CLAIM LATER

£50 or more

£50 FUTURE...

Pledge £50 today and we'll reward you with... PLEDGE NOW> CLAIM LATER

£100 or more

Mulberry Platinum Card

Kindly donate £100 and we will give you an exclusive Mulberry Platinum Card once we have reopened. This will get you into all shows for the following 12 months (excluding Sold out shows and Charity gigs)

£100 or more

6 Months Band Rehearsal

Kindly donate £100 and we will give your band free rehearsal space downstairs here at The Mulberry for up to 2 hours, once a week, for 6 months, one we've reopened.

£100 or more

Mulberry Gold Card

Not all of you want to go to gigs, so if club nights are more your kind of thing. Kindly donate £100 and we'll give you a Mulberry Gold Card that will get you free entry to every club night for a whole year, once we've reopened.

£150 or more

Exclusive Mulberry Discount Card

For those who aren’t as interested in our Gig / Venue rewards, we present you with the Mulberry Discount Card. 25% Off Food 20% Off Drinks 20% Off Selected Gig Tickets! One off payment of £150 FOR LIFE!

£1,000 or more

Private Christmas Party with Free Bar

Christmas probably isn't in anyone's minds at the moment, but we are offering a Christmas party for 30 people! You can choose the hours that suit you best, even until 6am if wanted. You'll get a Free Bar for a total of 2 hours, a very experienced DJ and a buffet too. This works out at only £33 per person.......!! T&C's Apply

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