Endometriosis South Coast, a small charity set up to help those living with Endometriosis and Adenomyosis and those going through the diagnosis stages as well as their support systems.
There’s exciting times ahead with March #EndoAwarenessMonth starting next week! We have some exciting events in store and are thrilled to share them with you.
Jodie, some of the trustees, many people with endometriosis, many supporters of the charity as well as the fabulous @hampshirecosplay will be walking 7.5 miles through Portsmouth to raise awareness for endo as well as fundraising funds for our incredible charity.
Unlike last year, this year, we can enthusiastically invite you along to join us! Our #Endomarch, on 26th March 2022, will set off at 12 noon from The Co-Op Salisbury Road, Cosham, PO6 2PX and end at Portsmouth Guildhall along a route that totals 7.5 miles.
Adorn yourselves in your Endo South Coast merch, yellow and your most comfortable walking boots – we look forward to having your support!
If you are unable to walk the miles with us, how about meeting us at the finish? We will be finishing in Portsmouth Guildhall at around 4pm. We would love to be greeted by cheers and smiling faces
Not only that.. can you believe there’s more?!
In the evening, we have an incredible event, hosted by the magnificent @joshisfab! At the Spice Island Pub, we shall look out upon the Spinnaker Tower glowing a radiant yellow and blasting endo awareness across Portsmouth.
#Fundraiser #Crowdfunder #Endo #Endometriosis #Endosouthcoast #EndometriosisSouthCoast #1in10 #ChronicIllness #painispain #chronicpain #endometriosissurgery #endometriosispain #endohealth #endometriosiswarrior #warrior #EndoWarrior #TeamEndoSouthCoast #MarchInMarch #ExtraPelvicEndo #lgbtqiaendo #lgbtq #transendo #transallies #transendometriosis #lgbtqia2021 #extrapelvicendometriosis #extrapelvicnotrare #makeendoachroniccondition