Kids' education in emergency shelters in Lebanon

by CodeBrave Foundation in Lebanon

Kids' education in emergency shelters in Lebanon

Total raised £10,700

raised so far

+ est. £1660.00 Gift Aid



Education for children in emergency shelters in Lebanon.

by CodeBrave Foundation in Lebanon

We're still collecting donations

On the 14th December 2024 we'd raised £10,700 with 81 supporters in 54 days. But as every pound matters, we're continuing to collect donations from supporters.

CodeBrave Foundation is a UK registered charity number 1188692. See more at

UPDATE: We have raised £25k across our US, Canadian and UK fundraising platforms. We are only £5k away from our target!

Donate to keep education going for children living in shelters across Lebanon.

Your donation will directly fund children’s emergency education at shelters. We need your help to cover teaching costs and equipment for new shelters (CodeBrave’s other costs are already covered). If you donate £15, you can fund an hour of classes for 20 children.

Why support?

Education is a lifeline that must continue—even in times of war. Hundreds of thousands of children have been forced from their homes, struggling with fear, loss, and uncertainty. 60% of public schools have become shelters to house the 1.2M displaced and over 350,000 children are left without education. But despite everything, children’s drive to keep learning hasn’t stopped.

  • Younes now lives in one room with his 20 family members after being displaced. His whole family leaves their room when he has his CodeBrave classes so he can focus.
  • Hind who is currently living in a camp after being displaced, joins her class from the pavement outside the camp using the computer we provided her with.
  • Fatima is just one of many students asking their teachers for extra material to learn as they’re currently out of school and wanting to make the most of their free time.

How CodeBrave is responding: 

CodeBrave is continuing children’s education through game-based coding and robotics classes that build basic literacy, numeracy, and science skills. This hands-on, engaging approach is one of the most effective ways to keep children learning, providing hope, stability, and a much-needed escape from the chaos around them. 


We are leaning into our expertise of working with children who suffer from toxic-stress, our experience in online learning and our game-based education approach.

  • Emergency education activities at shelters. We are delivering classes at shelters to teach basic literacy, numeracy and science through game-based coding and robotics. This is one of the most effective ways to keep children engaged in learning and provides a needed distraction from the conflict.
  • Online programme for youth (aged 15-18). We are continuing our online Web Development programme, and 86% of our current students have said they want to continue learning online despite many of them being displaced. Their coding lessons are providing a respite from the situation and allowing them to invest in their future.

What are we teaching children in emergency shelters?

When children are suffering from toxic stress and trauma, game-based education is one of the most effective ways to help them learn. We chose our 'Supercoder' course that involves projects revolving around taking care of their physical and mental well-being, while building coding skills and reinforcing literacy, numeracy, and science skills. Activities include learning to code playful animations, send kindness messages with micro transmitters, and create music while learning about circuits and loops. They’ll be using code, maths, and science concepts in real-life, creative applications.

You can make a difference.

We urgently need your support to deliver our emergency education activities for children living in shelters across Lebanon. Help us keep hope and learning alive for students facing unimaginable hardship.

US supporters can make tax-deductible gifts to CodeBrave through Chapel & York Foundation. To donate select CodeBrave Foundation as the ‘fund holder’.


Who is CodeBrave?

CodeBrave has a mission to empower Lebanon’s youth with the tech skills they need to secure safe and decent work and ultimately lift themselves out of poverty. Since 2018, we have been providing innovative coding and robotics programs at schools and shelters for vulnerable youth across Lebanon. We combine a child psychology approach with a cutting edge tech education curriculum to ensure that students reach their full potential. We have upskilled over 2,435 young people, 53% girls, who would otherwise have had no access to tech education.

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This project offered rewards

£15 or more

1 class for 20 children

£15 could cover teaching costs for 1 class for 20 children

£250 or more

1 week of classes for 60 children

£250 could fund 1 week’s worth of education for 60 children at 1 shelter

£1,000 or more

1 week of classes for 240 children

£1,000 would fund 1 week’s worth of education for 240 children at 4 shelters

Show your support

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