Elena e Gerardo - Historic World Premiere

by randomopera in Rugby, Warwickshire, United Kingdom

We did it
On 2nd May 2022 we successfully raised £171 with 16 supporters in 56 days

Preparing, performing and recording the WORLD PREMIERE of Marianna Bottini's 1822 opera "Elena e Gerardo".

by randomopera in Rugby, Warwickshire, United Kingdom

Elena e Gerardo is the only opera by Marianna Bottini - arguably 19th Century Italy's greatest female composer - and it has never been performed. Random Opera is excited to be bringing the *WORLD PREMIERE* of this work to Rugby in 2023. 

Born in 1802, Bottini was a contemporary of Rossini, and was admitted to the Academy of Music in Bologna as an "Honorary Master Composer" at the age of just 18. Bottini composed Elena e Gerardo in 1822 at the age of 20. She subsequently gave up composing at the age of 21, when she married.

Elena e Gerardo is based on an original story by Matteo Bandello (who later wrote the original story of Romeo & Juliet that formed the basis of Shakespeare's play). The links with Romeo & Juliet are clear, with the two noble families & a secret marriage being central to both.

General Director Richard Tegid Jones discovered that the completed score was in the archives at the Institute Boccherini in Lucca, and set about plans to stage the work for the first time. We will be bringing the world premiere to the Temple Speech Room in Rugby in 2023, accompanied by a 26-piece chamber orchestra.

The combination of Bottini's clear talent as a composer, as well as the importance of correcting the historic gender imbalance that has left this work unperformed for 200 years, makes this a very important premiere not just for Random Opera, but for the opera world in general.

By contributing to this crowdfunder, you will be helping us to:

- Convert the music from the handwritten original manuscript to a final, printed score.

- Prepare a piano reduction to be used for rehearsals

- Engage a 26-piece orchestra for the performance

- Engage a skilled sound engineer for the recording

Random Opera Company’s mission is to advance the appreciation and performance of opera in all its forms.

We do this by creating performance opportunities for young and emerging artists, to foster their engagement with the art form and support their career development; by developing links with arts organisations and professionals to share expertise and support; by bringing professional performances to communities at accessible prices; by exploring the interaction of Opera with other art forms; and by enabling the creation and performance of both new and rarely-seen works.


This project offers rewards in return for your donation. Please select a reward below.

£20 or more

£20 Reward - digital preview

Be among the first to see the completed recording online - priority access to an online stream of this work.

£50 or more

0 of 100 claimed

£50 Reward - meet the artists online

Join us for a special online Q&A with the creative team for Elena e Gerardo, as they discuss the process of discovering the score.

£100 or more

0 of 100 claimed

£100 Reward - artist reception

Join us after the live performance for a drinks reception with the artists and creative team. (Temple Speech Room, Rugby)

£250 or more

0 of 100 claimed

£250 Reward - a signed copy of the score

In addition to all the other rewards, you will receive a printed & bound copy of the completed Piano/Vocal score of Elena e Gerardo, signed by the Premiere cast

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