Pete Elliott has been selected as the Green Party candidate for Dulwich and West Norwood in the General Election on July 4th.
Pete is an engineer and project manager who served in the military for 22 years. He also worked for 11 years in Whitehall across various government departments and so understands much of the workings of Central Government. He is acutely aware of the waste of money within government. Jobs previously done by the civil service are now contracted out to private corporations, whose priorities are to make profits for shareholders, rather than provide excellent services for UK citizens.
With his military background and training he has been appalled by the atrocities and inhumanity we have witnessed in Palestine over the last 9 months. Both Keir Starmer and Rishi Sunak have let Palestinians down, by failing to call out war crimes when they have clearly been happening before our eyes.
Pete became actively involved in politics because of the threat of library closures and the dreadful way that residents on 'regeneration' estates were being treated as Lambeth's Labour Council threatened to demolish their homes. The Labour Council has borrowed hundreds of millions of pounds in the last five years and has hardly anything to show for it. Our children will be paying the price, with interest, of their mismanagement for the next 50 years.
Pete was also originally drawn to the Green Party because of its foreign policy and the mature and fair approach to refugees and migration which is in stark contrast to the other major parties.
Pete served as a Lambeth councillor for 4 years from 2018 - 2022 and during this time he supported many people all over the borough with their housing issues. Some of his greatest achievements as a councillor were to speak on the Green Party motion that saw the first climate emergency declared in London; he also successfully campaigned to ban the council's use of glyphosates, encouraged the divestment of the pension fund from fossil fuels and championed better air pollution monitoring in the borough.
Since leaving Lambeth Council he has continued to monitor the work of the police in our area and currently chairs the Gipsy Hill Safer Neighbourhood Panel. He continues to campaign with, and speak up for residents in both Southwark and Lambeth. Becoming an MP will enable him to do even more for local residents and help influence legislation that will address the root causes of our problems.
The Tories have no chance of winning here. They came 3rd to the Green Party in Dulwich and West Norwood in 2019, and this was before 'Partygate', Covid VIP lanes, and probably the UK’s worst three prime ministers ever.
At this election, Labour is going to win a huge majority, and the country is going to need Green MPs more than ever to hold them to account.
Pete’s priorities will be to:
- Work hard to fairly represent all residents of Dulwich and West Norwood, no matter what their background or who they voted for.
- Work with and support the local organisations and faith groups in Dulwich and West Norwood who do great work supporting our community and improving our area.
- Make Dulwich and West Norwood a safe and welcoming place for everyone including refugees.
- Fight for genuine action to tackle the Climate and Ecological Emergency.
- Work tirelessly to reverse austerity and the obscene inequalities in the UK where too many people do not have a warm secure home or enough money to buy food.
- Campaign for electoral reform and a fairer voting system where every vote matters.
- Campaign for the nationalisation of industries that we all depend on and that are effective monopolies.
- Campaign for renters' rights and affordable housing whilst reducing the dependency on Temporary Accommodation.
We’ve launched an urgent campaign to raise funds so we can run our most effective campaign ever. We need to raise at least £2,000 to fund our campaign and achieve our goals.
While other political parties are funded by wealthy corporate donors, the Green Party is different. We’re a grassroots people-powered party, funded by thousands of people chipping in small donations to fund our work.
We need funds to produce campaign media, printing materials and advertising - this way we can reach the most people and let them know there is a serious candidate standing. It will cost over £1,000 to print an A4 leaflet for every letterbox in the constituency. There are other costs too, as we are hoping to use videos and social media to get some positive attention to what we can offer as Greens, and what Pete can offer as a candidate! Everything adds up, and it really will make a difference for this campaign if we can reach as many people as the establishment parties do.
More and More People Are Voting Green
The Greens are not a “fringe party” – we’re winning council seats from all parties and now have over 800 councillors nationally. At the last General Election we came 2nd to Labour in Dulwich and West Norwood. In May, our second place was reinforced in Southwark and Lambeth in the London Assembly elections, when we beat both the Conservatives and Liberal Democrats by over 13,000 votes each.
Thank you so much for taking your time to read this. Please share the word and volunteer to get involved in our campaign if you have time, and donate to it if you are able.
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Published and promoted by Pete Johnson on behalf of Pete Elliott (Green Party) all at PO box 78066, London SE16 NGQ