Anne Thomas is the Scottish Green Party candidate for the expanded Caithness, Sutherland and Easter Ross Constituency, which now includes the Black Isle at the next UK General Election.
Only the Greens stand for People, Planet and Peace.
As a party without big or corporate donors, we rely on support from people like you to fund our campaign. Not everyone is in a position to donate, but if you can afford to do so then please consider it.
Your donation will deliver professional campaigning material so that our message comes across loud and clear to as many people as possible: Greens will build a green future, fair and sustainable for all.
If you'd like to find out a bit more about what we stand for our local manifesto is here.
We'll be releasing a Westminster Manifesto nearer the election.
Our Vision is here.
Anne's leaflet is here.
Visit our website:
Join the Scottish Greens:
Get in touch with Anne by email: [email protected]
Please note: we must check that donations above the value of £50 are from a permissible source. If you are kind enough to donate this much, we will need to confirm your name and address is on the UK electoral register. Donations will be paid to the Highlands & Islands branch of the Scottish Green Party. Donations in excess of £11,180 (aggregated over one year) to the Scottish Greens will be published on the electoral commission website. For more info see:
Any unused funds will be used in future Scottish Green Party campaigns.
If you have any questions regarding donations, or would like to set up a regular donation to the branch, please contact [email protected]
Promoted by Christopher Piras on behalf of Anne Thomas, both c/o Scottish Green Party at 19b Graham Street, Edinburgh, EH6 5QN