EDINBURGH PEOPLE's Five Candidates' Campaign Fund

by Marc Wilkinson in Edinburgh, United Kingdom

We did it
On 11th July 2024 we successfully raised £510 with 19 supporters in 28 days

Help EDINBURGH PEOPLE'S five Edinburgh Candidates start a revolution in democracy. We want to give our best shot. Only possible with YOU!

by Marc Wilkinson in Edinburgh, United Kingdom

Each candidate in the 2024 General Election in Edinburgh is allowed to spend around £17,000 campaigning. Please help us have a similar budget to that of the big parties.

As a minimum we need around £3000 so that one of us can print around 55,000 election leaflets for one constituency. £15,000 means we can print leaflets for the whole of Edinburgh.

We are starting a revolution in democracy here in Edinburgh, but we need support from all over the world. Anyone can join the party and support us financially because if we succeed what we have started will have ramifications worldwide.

EDINBURGH PEOPLE is a grassroots member-led democratic political party with voluntary membership fees and with one person one vote where members propose policy and vote on policy. Members also vote to select their candidates and to reselect their sitting Councillors, MPs and MSPs.

Five of us are standing in the 2024 General Election in Edinburgh's five constituencies. We are standing as independent candidates who are all members of EDINBURGH PEOPLE and bound by its constitution. 

Thanks to Rishi Sunak's snap election we have mobilised at an incredible speed and achieved in two weeks what would have otherwise been achieved in two months. We were not able to register with the Electoral Commission in time as this takes 2+ months so EDINBURGH PEOPLE will not be on the ballot paper.

We raised £4,000 in funds on the 6th June to cover our deposits and to build this website. We now need £15,000 to print 250K election leaflets which the Royal Mail will distribute for free. This distribution has a commercial value of around £25,000.

You MUST please consider joining and donating as much as you feel we deserve especially in the context of the significance of what our success would mean for millions of people.

Please just do it from the heart or from the head. Thanks in advance, from us and all whom will benefit.

I am our Party Leader, Marc Wilkinson and I have lived in Edinburgh for over 35 years. I along with Caroline, Jane, Mark and Nick are standing in Edinburgh’s five constituencies.

I have goose bumps when I explain that I have realised the single lynch-pin-flaw in our system of politics. I have realised a solution. 

The curse is career politicians putting party interests above those of the people they represent. I have figured a way to remove career politicians and a way to build a party by the people, for the people. 

Watch our video and it will make you seriously consider supporting our campaign in Edinburgh. What we are going to attempt is of nationwide significance so please help us irrespective of where you are in the UK. 

How often have you heard people moaning that they only have the choice of voting “for the lesser of two evils”. Choosing to vote for The Blue Tories, The Red Tories or The Yellow Tories is still a vote for evil. 

The tide has changed, and people are not prepared to endorse evil anymore even as a tactical vote to STOP the Blues, the Reds or the Yellows. 

Together we CAN tackle this political homelessness successfully. 

First, let me explain the lynch-pin-flaw. Take an architect student. All they want is to become a CAREER ARCHITECT. It’s perfectly normal. 

By the same token take a politician. All they want is to become a CAREER POLITICIAN. It’s perfectly normal. 

As individuals, politicians cannot be faulted for wanting to become a CAREER POLITICIAN.  However, therein lies the lynch-pin-flaw. 

To become a career politician, they MUST choose a party. They must tow that party’s line. Despite their good intentions they will discover that their loyalty to their own career and to their own party are greater than their loyalty to the people who elected them and the people that they represent. 

Career politicians are the flaw in our system of politics. 

Goose bumps? Every time? It is because I have been shown the solution to removing this flaw. 

The solution is for us to all come together all over the UK and create over 100 local political parties, serving the people of a town, or a city or a region for the purpose of standing for elections in the respective constituencies. 

In Edinburgh the party is called EDINBURGH PEOPLE. Each People Party stands as a grassroots democratic party where there is one person one vote. The purpose of EDINBURGH PEOPLE is to first and foremost represent the interests of the people of Edinburgh, at the expense of national interests, international interests, commercial, lobby and other interests. 

How can a new party get first past the post? The answer is three-fold. 

Firstly, we need a single-issue party which will mobilise members from all walks of life. Rich & Poor, Black & White, Left & Right. 

Secondly, we need a single issue which has mass local appeal. 

Thirdly, membership fees will be voluntary but recommended at £5 per month. 

In Edinburgh the single-issue is simply just the two words: EDINBURGH PEOPLE. This is a big enough issue to attract 500 members per constituency. 2500 for Edinburgh equals. 

Everyone loves our slogan! 

Do NOT elect politicians AGAIN! Elect People! 

We need support from all over the UK because when we succeed what we have started will be copied all over the UK. 

Feel free to email me any questions. 

Please send us a donation. 

Thank you very much.

Marc Wilkinson, Party Leader, EDINBURGH PEOPLE

W: EdinburghPeople.org E: [email protected]  M: +44 7791 843 702

VOTE Caroline Waterloo for EDINBURGH NORTH & LEITH





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